Stacy Sorrell’s “Loved On Purpose” – By TJ Armour

Chicago author Stacy Sorrell

Chicago native Stacy Sorrell is a multi-faceted woman that wears many hats including mother, entrepreneur, and new author of the inspirational memoir, Loved On Purpose.

The memoir is a bold, transparent and heartfelt account of Stacy’s personal search for love and the challenges, heartbreak and trauma she has survived and overcome to experience the love she longed for and deserved.

N’DIGO recently sat down with Sorrell to learn more about the book and the woman behind it all that refuses to give in to life’s trials and tribulations.

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Stacy Sorrell?

Stacy Sorrell: I am a woman of God, a mother, a daughter, a sister and a friend to many. I’m also an entrepreneur, content developer and newly minted author. I pride myself on being a people person and sharing my journey to assist others on their individual journeys.

What did you dream of doing for a living as a child?

Ever since I can remember, I always, ALWAYS wanted to be a wife and mother.

Tell us about your upcoming memoir, Loved On Purpose, and the inspiration behind it

Loved On Purpose is a book of my testimony. I was inspired to share my story with the world, both the good and the bad. So the pain, disappointments, and trauma are all documented to help others who may be experiencing the same things. In the end, I hope to be an example of someone who has overcome those things. I want readers to know that if I can make it through those storms, then they can as well.

What does the statement “Loved On Purpose” mean to you exactly?
“Loved On Purpose” essentially means to love with intention. It means to be mindful.

What if any statement do you want to make with this book?
I want people to know and keep in mind that all things, no matter good or bad, are working for your greater good, whether you believe it or not in the moment. We all go through trials, but they won’t and don’t have to last forever. It is only for a season and there’s a lesson in there somewhere.

Between your business endeavors, motherhood, and having a fulfilling personal life, how do you find balance to maintain it all?
Oh that’s simple: I don’t! Seriously, I don’t have a formula or a secret. I simply just do the best that I can and that’s my honest truth.

What are you listening to right now? Who is moving you musically?
You know how sometimes you just get stuck on a particular song? Well right now the song that I’m currently stuck on is Yolanda Adams’ The Battle is Not Yours.

Can you name one book that changed or really impacted your life?
The Bible. Every question and/or concern I have is answered there.

As a native Chicagoan, what are some of your favorite sites to show out of town friends and family when they visit?
I’m a single mother of three, an entrepreneur, and a recently published author going through all the press and promo-related stuff that comes with having a book. I don’t go out much these days, however I did recently discover City Winery. I really enjoyed the intimate setting and the live music, so that’s my recommendation to anyone who asks me about great spots to check out.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
Maybe my family and close friends wouldn’t be surprised, but I think the majority of people would definitely be shocked to discover that I’m really, really shy.

Best advice to the young entrepreneurs?
That’s easy: Don’t give up. It WILL get hard at times. You’ll hit bumps in the road, but simply do not give up. You owe it to yourself to follow through on your dreams.

Favorite quote or affirmation?
“Today is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.”

What’s next for Stacy Sorrell?

I have a play based on the book coming. It is written, directed, and produced by the one and only John Ruffin. Mark your calendars for February 21st and 22nd of 2020!

For more information on Loved On Purpose, visit and connect with Stacy on social media.


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