Q&A – Cherish Hicks – Founder, Beyond Wellness

Cherish Hicks

Cherish Hicks is the founder of Beyond Wellness, a wellness collective that offers classes, workshops, and one-on-one coaching to help people start and sustain their journey to a healthier lifestyle.

The Chicago native discovered a profound healing and transformation through studying mindfulness, meditation, and journaling before developing a method of self empowering meditation that eventually morphed into Beyond Wellness. Now with a mission to cultivate safe and inclusive spaces that are dedicated to the restoration of mind, body, and spirit, the collective utilizes practices such as breath work, movement and guided meditation to awaken emotions and provide a deep state of relaxation.

Beyond Wellness recently hosted its latest monthly event, SOUND, an evening dedicated to the transformative power of our sense of sound. The evening featured music by Chicago-based flutist and producer BSA GOLD who set the mood with a soothing symphony of sound and vibration with Hicks herself leading a guided sound bowl meditation creating healing frequencies via the power of sound.

N’DIGO recently sat down with the well-being curator to learn more.

Cherish Hicks (Photos Courtesy of Instagram)


N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Cherish Hicks?

Cherish Hicks: I am a creative, bold, brilliant, visionary and sound artist! I am passionate about learning and connecting others through mindfulness.

What are three words those closest to you would use to describe you?

Loving. Optimistic. Supportive.

Can you take us through your career path into Mental Health and Wellness?

It all started with me and one day deciding I wanted to seek “more.” I prayed and fasted for my purpose for 21days and out of that, I began to outline a journal to share with others so they could begin their own healing journey. In the process of writing, it expanded into Beyond Wellness.

Cherish Hicks

Please tell us about your company, Beyond Wellness, and its mission?

We are a global wellness collective whose mission is to “Create spaces of light.” We host wellness activations through the mediums of sound, movement, breath work, and meditation. Our wellness activations include retreats, private sessions and various other events dedicated to providing safe and inclusive mindfulness experiences. We also collaborate with other practitioners, artists, and creatives to introduce mindfulness and make wellness accessible to all ages and bodies.

Cherish Hicks (Photos Courtesy of Instagram)

You’ve recently begun a monthly Family Day event at the Museum of Contemporary Art. Please tell us about the event and what’s in store for the next installment?

The MCA family day is a free day of interactive experiences for families. The MCA hosts monthly family days October through May with over 500 families in attendance each day. This event took place all day in the theater with four Mindfulness sessions for families to choose a time to participate. Each family was given the option to sit in the audience or on a mat. We began the session with creating BIG HAPPY SOUNDS with our voices and bells. We learned self empowering affirmations and each child got an opportunity to assist me playing the sound bowls. It was beautiful to observe the families engaging together through mindfulness and very special to be a part of.

Cherish Hicks

What does your self-care and mental health routine look like?

My self care routine looks different each day but always begins at home, how I eat daily, how I decide to wake up, and other daily tasks that I take conscious decisions in. Self care for me can be moving my body through stretching at home, taking a walk, dancing, or going to hot yoga or Pilates classes. My self care routine also includes taking moments to care for my hair and skin by exploring different natural products that make me feel and look good. Self care can also look like laying on the couch with my partner and enjoying each other’s company through conversation or watching a good show together!

Something people would be surprised to know about you?

I am very shy, so to get up in front of a crowd and guide meditations or host events was very much out of my comfort zone, but as soon as I begin all the shyness leaves and I absolutely love my community and look forward to each session. Each session allows me to engage directly with my community and subconsciously encourage others who may be experiencing shyness as a newcomer to wellness spaces. My sessions encourage engagement and that’s something I know would help me if I were on the mat too!

Can you name a book that changed or really impacted your life?

Breaking The Habit Of Being Yourself by Dr. Joe Dispenza. This book gives you a deeper understanding of how the power of your thoughts can shift your mindset to transform your life for the greater.

Best advice to those seeking to improve their mental health and wellness?

Start with simple ways you can better your everyday routines, that may include limiting screen time, getting more rest, and choosing healthy foods to eat. Allow yourself to show up as you are, be gentle with yourself and love yourself enough to give YOU the best you that you deserve! You are in control of your healing, so honoring yourself for choosing to start your journey. As you take the first active steps you will begin to find your community and the tools that work for you.

Favorite quote or affirmation?

“Count it ALL joy”

What’s next for Cherish Hicks and Beyond Wellness?

I’m expanding into more exclusive content through recording, touring and retreats as well as curating creative sessions to introduce mindfulness to families. Personally, cultivating the growth of my family as we celebrate one another in love. I’m excited to keep going Beyond!

For more information on Beyond Wellness please connect with them on Instagram at @beyondme.world

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