Q&A: with Dr. Robert Beck, Research Chemist and Naprapath “Eating and Staying Healthy”

Dr. Robert Beck

I spoke with Dr. Robert Beck, a noted healthcare educator, and chemist. His passion is helping people to take charge of their health. He has over 35 years of experience in chemistry and nutrition. Dr. Alvenia Fulton, Fultonia Health and Fating Institute owner, was renowned in natural health practices.

N’DIGO: On this day of Covid, what is your advice to stay healthy?

Dr. Robert Beck: The worse problem with Covid is underlining conditions, like high blood pressure, obesity, and repository problems. For the past 40 years, I have been addressing underlining requirements dealing with diet and nutrition by stopping doing things that caused the issues with solutions to healthy living.

How did you get into this field?

I first met Dr. Alvenia Fulton in 1982 at McCormick Place, and I noticed so many people gathered around Ms. Fulton to talk to her. I was very impressed, and she invited me to her office. After that, we became friends; she educated me, I traveled with her. I am a chemist, and she told me I didn’t know anything.

Dick Gregory and I were her students. She worked with stars like Billy D. Williams, Oscar Davis, Ruby Dee and prepared Muhammad Ali for one of his fights. People from all over the world flew in to see her for consultation. I worked with Dr. Fulton for 17 years until her death.

What did you learn from Dr. Fulton?

I knew that an individual has to make decisions about personal health. Our health is our responsibility. We have to learn how to take care of ourselves. You have to implement the information as you know it. It is up to me about my health if it is to be.

Dr. Robert Beck

You have a 12-week challenge program to improve overall health. Tell me about the program.

The A-cog Herbal Master Body and Colon Cleanse is a unique blend of 30 plant-based ingredients formulated to provide superior support to the body’s digestion, metabolism, immune, and elimination functions.

Your body is like a car. 90 days, 3 months, 12 weeks can make a significant difference with consistent behavior doing what is required to live healthily. First, there are foods to avoid, like fried food, barbecue and pork, white sugar, white flour, and carbonated drink. This is the beginning of life-changing habits.

What are the categories for making positive health changes?

There are five categories to consider: water, diet, exercise, sleep, and mental health status. You want to stay happy, avoid stress, and by all means be around positive people. Stress is the number one killer and distraction of deteriorating your health. It would be best to drink half of your weight in water daily. You should never eat and drink at the same time. Drink fluids a half hour before eating and one hour after eating. Exercise is the main factor; you lose it if you don’t use it.

Walking is exercise. The body has to move. The body heals itself while you are sleeping between 11 pm and 2 am. In regards to mental health, try not to stress.

Dr. Alvenia Fulton and Dick Gregory

How do you detox? 

Fulton advocated detoxing every three months. She put together a formula with 30 different plant-based items and a concentrated Alvera to cleanse your body and colon cleanse. It’s an easy to due process that does not cause diarrhea. These are the things people do not like about cleansing.

What are your thoughts on colonics?

It’s a personal preference.

What constitutes healthy eating that prevents weight gain?

First, avoid the foods that I stated above. My research shows that we need 60 minerals, 16 vitamins, 12 amino acids, and three fatty acids for good health. Your body requires these to function and stay healthy. Eat fruits, vegetables, and some meats. Never eat pork or scavenger food like shrimp, lobster, and crab.

What about fast foods?   

You should eat all-natural foods and avoid fast foods or processed food from a can. For example, avoid unhealthy hot dogs and processed lunch meat.

Fast foods lead to a swift death. 


How do we end obesity in our community, even with children?

It’s about what you eat. It is diet and nutrition. Bread, potatoes, French fries, sweets cause children to be obese. For example, the Chinese do not want McDonald’s in China because it makes children fat. It’s fast food but not good food for you.

Tell me about your classes.

I teach classes to commit to being healthy. It is a 12-week program to learn how to take care of your body and implement. People lose weight in the first week. The program advocates drinking lots of water, half of your weight in ounces. Water makes the bodywork; 70% of what the body needs to function well is water. I consult with you weekly to help you reach the goal.

Where are your classes?

Classes are online at www.chicagogoodhealthgroup.com.

In addition, we teach in churches, organizations, and small groups. To contact me call 773-347-1221.


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