The Trump Era Ends

The era of Trump is closing, about to end. The President of the United States, number 45, challenged America’s democracy. He has been the gangster president who exhibits just do as I say and damn the law. He has taken the American government as his very own enterprise and ignored the rules and regulations of government. He has insulted and challenged the very fabric of this government. He has broken rules as he has made them as he went along. He is racist. He has pardoned his friends from their wrongdoings, in the name of friendship. The power of clout is awesome. He has even tried to pardon himself and his family postmortem.

He is the president who tweets, this has been his primary communication to the American public as he watched TV news. He has tried to undo all of his predecessor’s doings. Trump is a big bully and has used his presidential microphone to speak loudly to his likes and dislikes. The media has reported his every move in amazement to say, “Oh no, he didn’t.” He has made us watch the news diligently to see what his manic behavior has been for the day. He has conducted his press, with beautiful blonde press secretaries, just like he was on a reality show, that might have been called,” America REALLY?.” He has questioned the very fiber of this country as he has lost and abused his presidential way acting like a mad man. He has served with no grace or dignity.

The press has assistance his shenanigans. When he questioned Barack Obama’s birthing, I recognized his insanity. He had no reason, no evidence to do questions Barack’s birth. He forced President number 44 to prove he was born in the United States with a birth certificate. It was news for far too long. Trump was attempting to discredit Obama’s qualifications to be president. But what if, just what if, the press would have ignored his absurdity. What would have happened? The story might have been killed and the press would have messaged to him, we will not tolerate your absolute foolishness, your lies and ridiculous assertions. But no, they covered it as a real story.

Trump will go down in history as the President who ignored a pandemic that taxed the American medical community to the brink and killed people. The hospitals suffer from overload and the doctors and nurses and other first responders are behaving as though they are on an assembly line working on machines. As the pandemic worsens and heightens, Trump ignores expert medical advice. He hosts parties at the White House, business as usual, with no masks and no social distance practices, to the point where the super spreaders, spread COVID-19 to their coworkers, event to the great one himself. He plays it off, as though it’s a bad cold and insists on coming out of the hospital for a rally as he suggested treating COVID with a bleach formula.

He goes to church, a short walk from the White House, and holds the Bible upside down. What the Trump era concludes, is that we the people need to be a lot more diligent in paying attention to who we elect to office, giving power over our lives. The reality show star ran for president because he was popular, not because of his policy or his skills. He marketed himself as the business tycoon, who knew what was best for the country. He countered the Obama era with fear and racism so much so, that even some who voted for Obama, then voted for Trump. The lesson being, popularity wins. America needs to rethink how we access elected officials. We need amendments to the eligibility of the presidency would include experience and education. Being famous is just not enough.

Trump has taken America for a ride, as he has challenged the American way and the democratic process, at every level. He has raised a hefty $300 million-plus from citizens under the guise of fighting an unfair election. He will be allowed to keep the funding. His latest venture is the call to the Secretary of State and the Attorney General in Georgia, to demand that they find him 11,300 votes to win the election. He acts like they can go to the store and buy the votes. As he has challenged the vote count, to date, there have been no irregularities, no evidence that the vote was compromised in any way. Biden is the new president with the popular vote and the electoral college, with the exact number of Trump’s, 306, that he himself called a clear mandate.

As I have read books and studied the path of Adolf Hitler in Germany, we track Donald Trump. I have often questioned authors, rabbis, scholars, professors. Asking how on earth did Germany allow Hitler? Didn’t the Jews see something strange? Didn’t the Jews suspect? Weren’t the Jews watchful? My questions have never been satisfactorily answered.

Now I know. Power can assume and compromise and even blind. No matter what they might say, Trump has changed American politics and he has killed the Republican party as it once was.

The reality show star become President and gave America a real dose of reality as the world changed right before our very eyes.

Good riddance. The Trump Era is over. Welcome, 2021.

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