America Gets It Groove Back

I was politically fatigued and the country felt a lift of pain, disgust and anxiety as we went to the streets to sing and dance in beautiful spring like weather in November. The weather for Biden’s declaration of win was very much like the beautiful day in November of 2008 when former President Barack Obama made history in 2008 in in Grant Park. It’s clearly the heavens blessing us.

Mr. Joe Biden is the next President of the United States. He becomes number 46. He has made history. He has run for the White House three times. He has served in the senate, six terms. He was the 47th Vice President. He knows where the White House bathrooms are. He can cross the aisle. He can work with everybody. His career is bookmarked by him being the fifth youngest senator at the age of 29 years old, to being the oldest president ever at the age of 77, both were announced on November 7th. He will be only the second Catholic to serve while only receiving 42% of the Catholic vote. The 2020 election reports the most ever votes in a presidential election at 140 million and still counting. Biden received 50.7% of the total votes; 290 of the Electoral College Votes. The Democrats voted by mail more than the Republicans, which Biden lead by 3 million. Early voting was successful, 73.4% or 100 million votes were cast before the polls opened.

Biden has already brought dignity and decency back to the presidential office in his acceptance speech as world leaders called to welcome him to being the leader of the new world. For the last four years, we have experienced a lunatic run wild, without control in the White House with lies, tales, falsehoods, exaggerations of his imagination as he watched TV and tweeted. He has lived in his very own world with FOX News providing propaganda on his behalf. His friends, his pals, and his men have gone to jail as he has run amuck in the White House acting like he was in charge of a mafia like operation. He is responsible for the death of many who have died from the COVID-19 virus, because he was irresponsible and in denial. Trump was over his head from the start. His style of leadership did not work in government. He is not a politician; he did not know how to govern. He killed the Republican Party, yet he remains its loudest voice, that will surely still be heard outside of the presidential office. The election was razor thin with Trump receiving 48% of the popular vote and 214 of the electoral college. To date, Trump has received more votes than any republican in history. He is a real estate guy that did not necessarily translate to America’s best property, 1600 South Pennsylvania Avenue.

The Best of Biden

Biden, I suggest, is poised to be one of the best presidents ever. He is experienced. Sometime, just sometimes, the minister might say, God prepares you for what he has in mind for your life. Biden followed the wish of his son, to run for President. Beau Biden knew what his Dad was made of and that the country needed his style of leadership. Bernie Sanders, says Biden, might prove to be, “the most progressive president since Roosevelt.”

Biden is the right man for now. He is in the right place, at the right time. He is right fitted. His personal tragedies have given him in real time, a reality of human pain and suffering and developed him a better man, filled with compassion and empathy. He knows the depth of love, single parenting, loss love, and second love. He knows love and loving. He knows family. He knows what it means to tuck the little ones in at night in a way that only a parent can. He knows what it is to watch illness become death. He knows the horrors of an accident.

His political career is perfect. He does not go to the White House on “learning on the job training.” He goes ready knowing the particulars. He is ready to lead. His Vice President too, is perfect for the season. If you want to get it done, get a Black woman. Black women push and pull to perform and are often in the background leading the parade. She is able and capable and in four years, she will be ready to take the helm. We are watching a President in the making. Bravo. Already she has confused the media lexicon. They label her the “first African American Vice President.” Wrong. She is the first woman to be Vice President of the United States. As we watched the returns and the analysis, Black pundits, Van Jones and Donna Brazil cry on camera, appreciating the history of the stress, strife and strain that got us here.

Biden’s wife, Jill is an educator who she says she will continue to teach her community college classes. If she completes this, she will be the First Lady with a real career of her very own, another glass ceiling broken. This might be wishful thinking, but I hope she remains in the classroom, at any rate, educators, now have a real friend in the White House.

I predict Biden will take America to a new place. A place of equity and he owes without a shadow of a doubt the Black community a serious debt. This is the time for Blacks to become full American citizens, without pause. It is time for the “minority” to die and for the marginalization to be permanently dismissed. It is time for the concept of race relations to eradicate. President Biden is composed to make it happen. Perhaps it is time for real folk to come to the forefront and just be real.

Who is in Biden’s Cabinet?

Can’t wait to see the cabinet. Stacey Abrams would make an incredible Attorney General. She understands structure, process, equity and justice. Rumor has it that possibly the Supreme Court could expand by two and just perhaps, former President Barack Obama might be appointed. Wouldn’t that be something? He is a constitutional lawyer. Never happened before, right. But we live in the time of history being made. Rumor also has it that Hillary Clinton could also be appointed to the top court. Wouldn’t that be something? Shout if you want. Or maybe you would like to see the gentleman from South Carolina’s Sixth District, James Clyburn in the cabinet. Congressman Clyburn turned the tide for Biden. It was his endorsement that signaled Black Americans to Biden. He was urged by an older Black woman at a funeral saying to him, “you have to tell us what to do.” And he did. He said, “Biden is the one.”

Biden won with the most votes EVER for any President. He also just made it with razor thin margins. But the American people have spoken and have jumped for joy and literally were dancing in the streets all over to say Trump is DONE. The American public rose and voiced their votes in record numbers, just as it should be. Trump pouts as he refuses to gracefully concede. His attempts of a recount are probably frivolous.

The 2020 Election

What the 2020 election clearly demonstrates a divided America that wants to be united, begging for newness, new leadership, and new ways. Its time for innovation as we consider a new normal. We have fought a worldwide plague, that is rising in numbers, out of control, just as the scientist predicted. We have witnessed schools closed and businesses revamp. Regretfully we have lost loved ones in record number. Our thinking has changed, our values have changed and now that we know what’s really important, its time for us to forward think and rethink America and to bring about the change we talk about. It’s time for us to be about it and to just do it. Biden and Harris will bring about a new groove to America. The Howard University graduate will move gracefully with pumps and pearls to comfortable sneakers, depending on the stage and how long the day really is. They will operate within the confines of government with a big heart, a clear vision, and a sense of justice and inclusion. This election is primed for the history book. They will write about 2020 for years to come, attempting to put it in perspective. Surely, they will say 2020 was not about democrats or republicans or blue/red states. 2020 was about decency and democracy and moving forward or moving backwards.

The Biden challenge is to rid America of its social ills and to unite us in a new way. The Biden challenge is to destroy the caste system that Isabel Wilkerson describes with detail in the book, Caste: The Origins of Our Discontents. It’s time to put a spike in racism and to lift the caste system into extinction.

Trump leaves office in shame, as a bully who tried to take America in a backward direction with racism at its core. He was a Klansman in the White House. He was the President who mastered Twitter. But the hood is off and we saw him coming and sent him along his way as the country’s divide widens. Whereas, the country is split but clearly with a very loud voice, America said NEVER AGAIN.


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