by T J Armour
Miles Brown is 11 years old, a young actor, who landed his first big break on the ABC sitcom Black-ish as the character of Jack Johnson. He is also a hip-hop dancer, having been a semi-finalist on America’s Got Talent.

How did you get started in entertainment?
Well I was dancing before I was acting. Then a friend asked if I wanted to do an episode of this TV show, Yo Gabba Gabba!. So I did the show. I was on there dancing, and I technically didn’t realize it but I was also acting on there as well. After that, slowly but surely over time it just converted to acting from dance and I love it. I do still love to dance, but I really love acting. |
Who did you watch growing up that made you want to dance and perform?
Definitely Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson made me want to be a dancer and even James Brown. As far as acting, Robert Downey Jr. has easily been my biggest acting inspiration. |

How did Blackish end up happening for you?
My first audition was the normal one where one of the producers interviews you in front of a camera. They must have liked me because they gave me a call back. The call back was the craziest audition that I ever did because all the cast was there. Everyone was there including the execuitive producer and creator, Kenya Barris. It was fun, but also nerve-wrecking, but they liked me. What’s crazy is another show, one for Kevin Hart, wanted me at the same time as “that Anthony Anderson project”, which is the non-title it had when I auditioned. So the shows had a small fight over me and how it was decided I’d do Blackish was both shows gave my mom and dad a script of the pilot to see which they liked better. My parents thought both were funny, but that Blackish was more family-orientated. |
Who is the biggest practical joker on the set of the show?
Me and Anthony, easily. We both like to pull pranks on everyone. I like to scare people. I’m always sneaking up behind people to catch them off-guard. Anthony likes to improv a lot. He’s like the Improv King. He’s really good at it and I don’t know how he does it. |
Who is the most serious cast member that always brings you guys back to center to work?
It’s usually Jennifer Lewis. She’s like the set diva. Whenever she wants the set to be quiet she’ll give the word and then *snap* it’s quiet and we’re ready to go. She will shhh you fast *laughs* |
How does your on-set tutoring work?
I still go to public school so my school teach usually sends my Blackish teacher all the work that I’m supposed to be doing then when I do it my Blackish teacher checks it and goes over with me so that when I’m not working and in regular school I don’t fall behind. |
How is it being on a big television show and then going to school? Is it crazy for you at all?
Not really. Everyone at school treats me like I was never on TV so that’s really cool. What is crazy is I go to a charter school, but there is also a middle school connected to it. So the middle school kids do go crazy over me sometimes when they see me because I don’t go there. But everyone at MY school treats me the same. |
Can you tell me a little about your work with Sleep Number and the #CommitToSleep campaign?
Well it’s a really great campaign all about helping kids to know how to get better sleep. I used to not get a lot of good sleep and it made things harder for me in the daytime. But now I get better sleep and it helps me so much. Like I have lots of energy in the daytime and everyone on set calls me “Party Time”. |
What’s something that you’d like to try or do outside of acting when you get older?
I wanna play in the NBA when I grow up. I started playing basketball even before I was dancing. For me in order it’s basketball, then dancing, then acting. I’ve been playing ever since I can remember. I’ve always wanted to be in the NBA like my favorite player, LeBron. |
What a Great interview with Miles, wow he is a cutie, no wonder he got the opportunity ! I wish him a lot of Blessings and much Success ! I will have to tune in an check out one of the episodes.