One “King Breakfast”

Martin_Luther_King_-_March_on_WashingtonWhat about one King Breakfast. There has been a lot of hoopla about the Breakfast in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King’s birthday as we celebrate his 87th year. Mayor Rahm Emanuel continued the King Breakfast that Mayor Harold Washington started and it has been an annual event ever since. The Mayor’s Breakfast usually has a major address from a popular figure. This year the protesters and some ministers suggest the breakfast is not worthy of attendance. The Mayor’s King Breakfast is mostly for ministers and by invite only.

Josie Childs the founder of the legacy for Harold Washington objects to the protestors, given that Mayor Washington was the one to introduce the legislation to make King’s birthday a holiday in the State of Illinois before it went national and also under his stewardship the Mayor’s King breakfast was established. She thinks the boycott disrespects Harold. Rev. Jesse Jackson on Monday celebrates his 26th King Breakfast, which is well attended with civic leaders, corporate presidents, professionals and ministers and a host of others. It is a ticketed event and all are welcome to attend. The Teachers Union also hosts a King breakfast. There are so many breakfasts, to celebrate Dr. King. Perhaps too many. Given that King was an organizer and a unifier, why can’t there be one huge breakfast in Chicago that represents the King legacy – One Breakfast for all. This would a great way to unify the city. The final point about the King breakfast is that all people should attend. The occasions are overwhelmingly Black attended. Whites should remember King too.

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