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The 2024 Democratic National Convention came to Chicago in August, where the days were filled with beautiful sunshine and a shining lake, the main streets closed, and buses were rerouted. It was an inconvenience for residents but well worth it. Chicago became that city on the shining hill. During the DNC, only 75 protestors were arrested. Superintendent Police Chief Larry Snelling was on it, and he appeared daily in a white shirt uniform to assure everyone that Chicago was a safe place. He even marched on the front line with protectors, showing them the correct route. In a word, he was stellar, showcasing modern model policing.

Mayor Brandon Johnson beamed about Chicago being the best in the nation. (Smile). Let’s forget the 1968 Democratic National Convention, please. It’s a new day, a new administration, and a new Chicago in 2024. Chicago showed the world how to put on a convention. It became a model and will be studied for years to come. Leadership matters. 

The 2024 Chicago Convention…

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And then there is the convention. It was a showcase of a party in a big tent, as Rev. Jesse Jackson would say. His people, his proteges, and his mentees were in charge, in full force. He was happy as he saw firsthand his work come full circle. He beamed with sparkling bright eyes with no words. Thumbs up!   

Minyon Moore (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Minyon Moore, the head of the convention, worked for Rev. Willie Barrow at PUSH when she was beginning to get directly involved in electoral politics. She was learning, connecting the dots. I will remember this convention as Minyon’s convention. Everybody on stage. The convention began in tribute to Rev. Jackson; the past Presidents were keynoters. I remember the campaigns and the work behind the scenes that Rev. Jackson was responsible for. The DNC stage was his legacy live. The 2024 convention was his win. 

The Children Stole the Show…

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Everyone was involved; celebrities, comedians, past presidents, first ladies, and even the reform Republicans took the stage as we prepared for Madame Kamala. Tribute was paid to President Joe Biden. He will go down in history as a great president. He paved the way to the top for Kamala with a master stroke of politics as he removed himself as the candidate. He was grand, gracious, and genuine. A DJ played theme music for each state in the roll call. Brilliant.

Pretty little girls taught us how to pronounce Aunt Kamala’s name, along with actress Kerry Washington, in the adult role. How very cute. And I was over the moon with 17-year-old Gus Walz. He jumped as his father, Governor Tim Walz, spoke as the Vice President Candidate. “That’s my dad.”  The children stole the show. The Democrats redefined themselves. New marketing. Remaking a new day, a new way.  Happy and hopeful. (Smile). 

Meet Madama Kamala

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Additionally, Madam Kamala had to silence the crowd before speaking on Thursday night when she ascended the platform. That black clothing was all that made her magnificent and outstanding. “I represent the people as Kamala.” It acquired a new significance on stage, prepared to serve the nation rather than in court. We understand. Her voice was full of conviction. She feels confident. She’ll prevail. She spoke about growing up with her mother. She talked about universal family ideals. She represents middle-class America. She spoke about genuine compassion. One of my friends told me she was the friend Kamala brought home. She recalled the awful times she experienced as a child. 

The Path…

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I thought about the women on the path to this historical moment. With all of the insults and bad behavior, Black women keep moving forward.  Four little girls were bombed in Birmingham, AL, in Sunday School at church because they were Black. Seamstress Rosa Parks sat on a bus. She was tired and changed the course of segregation. I thought about the maids and cooks and mammies and washerwomen. I thought about Big Mama and Nana. The jobs of Black women are caring for their children and teaching values. With education, you can be anything. They drilled this notion into their children. They poured that thought into children who had the opportunity to go to school when they didn’t get a chance.  These were probably the black jobs Trump talked about. 

Rev. Johnnie Coleman and Rev. Willie Barrow (All Photos Courtesy of Instagram)
All Photos Courtesy of Instagram

Rev. Johnnie Colemon came to mind when she observed that while women can manage the rear of the church, they cannot hold the pulpit. Having constructed the largest sanctuary in Chicago, she added, “That doesn’t make sense to me.” I recalled Fannie Lou Hamer remarking, “I’m tired of being tired,” while attempting to enter the convention floor in her capacity as a delegate. I considered Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm, who saw that there was a Black woman’s political path to the White House. I considered Rev. Wilie Barrow, who, in a nutshell, oversaw Jesse’s campaign and taught young ladies how to take the initiative and advance in their own special way. 

Coretta Scott King sprang to my mind; she was committed to preserving Dr. King’s legacy. Aretha singing for presidents crossed my mind. I pondered over Jesse’s ’84 and ’88 campaigns. What if he was actually wealthy? I realized that Jesse’s White House was on this stage then. He orchestrated the transformation, but he lost the election. Over 50 years, he labored on the idea of “freedom.” 

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I then considered Kamala’s White House. Something is changing. A movement has emerged from the Harris/Walz campaign. Movements triumph because they expand upward and build from the bottom up. There has been advancement. There will be a change soon. Black women will ascend in a variety of ways. On TV, fresh Black faces appear as commentators and analysts try to understand the magical moment. 

The Republican convention was very distinct from this one. Dark. Pundits and white men explain. Manly macho. Performers dressed like wrestlers. Sinister. Bully arrangement. A program centered around reality. As he calls TV stations to tell them what Kamala is not saying in front of her record-breaking crowd, Trump must be tearing himself apart. Let Trump suffer. The old America is falling behind. There will be a New America. 

The Democrats were jubilant, filled with laughter and pride. It was a different convention that looked and felt like a gathering of people. A new politics is underway, and a wave of new young voters and content providers are a part of it. America the beautiful. Kamala gives us permission to laugh and be happy. Happy wins.

Change is coming. Hello, Madame President. Bring it. Keep laughing. Continue to smile. And we will continue to RISE.

Now Let’s Get to Work!

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