Q&A – Erik Wilson, Esq. – Property Tax Appeals Attorney at Smith, Hemmesch, Burke & Kaczynski

Erik Wilson, Esq. 

Erik Wilson always had an inkling that he’d be an attorney. The south side native grew up watching his father practice law, and as the saying goes….the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

After graduating from Kenwood Academy in Hyde Park, Wilson earned his Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree at Florida A&M University. Though always interested in law, it took some soul searching and working on his relationship with God before he knew he was ready for law school. Like a Pastor would describe being called to preach, Wilson said the desire became a burden on his soul, and he knew it was time. With God telling him to make it his top priority, doors began to open, and he got a call to enroll in Chicago-Kent College of Law shortly after that.

Wilson went on to obtain his J.D. degree and kick-start his career as an attorney. He even returned to the school in 2014 as an Adjunct Professor Of Law, where he stayed for four years before deciding to practice law full-time.

Now an award-winning real estate attorney who has worked in both the public and private sectors, Wilson recently joined the firm of Smith, Hemmesch, Burke & Kaczynski as a Property Tax Appeals Attorney. In this role, he’ll focus on ensuring fair and equitable property tax assessments for property owners throughout Illinois.

N’DIGO recently sat down with Wilson to learn more about the man himself and the work he does.

Erik Wilson, Esq.

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Erik Wilson?

Erik Wilson: I’m a child of God, first and foremost. I try to be the best version of myself daily and a man who loves his family. One thing about me that I’ve learned over the years is that I always bounce back after failures and try to learn and grow from my mistakes. I try to be the friend or family member who shows up for those I love as often as possible.

What are three words family and friends would use to describe you?

I called my father to ask him, and he said, “loyal, determined, and loving.” My sister said, “passionate, intelligent, and articulate.” My mother said, “charming, affectionate, and a leader.” One of my best friends said, “fun, grateful, and caring.”

Did you always know as a child that you wanted to go into law?

I think so. As a child, I only ever said I wanted to be an attorney one day, but my dad is an attorney, so I didn’t know any different. Although I went to law school much later in life, I always knew this was something I could do.

Please tell us about your work at Smith Hemmesch Burke & Kaczynski.

Every day is different. We do a lot of property tax appeals for both commercial and residential property owners. We also handle exemptions and a lot of real estate closings. For example, today, I spent all morning signing loan and closing documents for four clients because I have Power of Attorney. I write a lot of briefs and rebuttal letters and spend a lot of time calling Assessor in collar counties to try to obtain relief for my clients.   

Erik Wilson, Esq.
Erik Wilson, Esq.
Erik Wilson with Colleagues

Do you have a golden rule you abide by in your work?

I try to treat everyone with respect and as I would want to be treated, whether they’re the firm’s partner, opposing counsel, or one of our amazing paralegals or admins. Whether they’re someone society deems “important” or someone living unhoused on the street, I treat them as I would want to be treated.

What are your thoughts on the recent hot topic of the National Association of Black Journalists having former president Trump appear at its recent convention here in Chicago?

I think inviting Trump to speak in Chicago at the convention was shameful. They should be embarrassed for giving that man a platform to spew his hateful lies. Nothing positive was gained from that, and I believe all the members of NABJ’s leadership who made that happen should apologize to their membership, at the very least. 

Erik Wilson, Esq.

Whenever you entertain out-of-town family or friends, what’s the first thing you want them to see or experience in the city?

I love showing people some of the historic homes in Hyde Park, like Muhammad Ali’s former home, where the Obama’s used to live, and Farrakhan’s home, to name a few.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

As a child, I once performed the entire Purple Rain album for my parents. Also, I’m not afraid to laugh at myself, and I have been known to cry a lot at the movies.

Can you name a book that changed or impacted your life?

The Autobiography of Malcolm X taught me that at any point in your life, despite what you’ve done, you can grow and change your life for the better. Malcolm rose from difficult circumstances as a younger man to become a leader in his community, someone who dedicated his life to the liberation of his people, and I find that story inspiring.

What is the best advice or words of wisdom for youth?

If you think school is teaching you everything you need to know to live a well-rounded and productive life, then you’re setting yourself up for failure. Read for pleasure and consume information with a critical eye.

Favorite quote or affirmation?

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28.

What’s next for Erik Wilson?

Long term, I want to continue to grow in my relationship with God, in my career, and as a man. Life is short, and I want to live it to the fullest, which for me means constantly challenging myself, self-evaluating, self-reflecting, and not being afraid to change. Short term, I would love to take another trip by the end of the year.

For more information on Erik Wilson, please contact him on his LinkedIn page and visit. www.shbk-law.com.

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