Q&A – Ericka Watson, Esq. – Principal and CEO, Data Strategy Advisors, LLC

Ericka Watson, Esq

While we enjoy the conveniences that technology brings to our lives, we often forget some of the risks involved with our personal info and data when we sign up for social media sites to shop or pay bills online.

For almost two decades, Chicago native Ericka Watson has built data privacy programs for Fortune 100 companies in the health and technology industries. After spending the last five years as Chief Privacy Officer at Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Watson struck out on her own to start her own data compliance consulting business, Data Strategy Advisors, LLC.

In working directly with the companies that house and store our information, Data Strategy Advisors works to safeguard personal data through global data privacy compliance strategies in alignment with the corporate vision and provide legal advice on a wide range of business matters and strategies related to data, security, and technology.

I’m excited about building out my vision to help businesses recognize how ethics and compliance in the data space can fuel their efforts and business objectives. It must be understood that we are the stewards of the data entrusted to us; let’s get it right from the start or assess and make necessary improvements to existing programs.”

In addition to her new company, the married mom of two also serves as a board member of the International Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Privacy Consortium (IPMPC)Planning Committee. She is very active with the ABA Science and Technology Section and is a past-chair elect.

N’DIGO recently sat down with Watson to learn more about her company and how we can all protect ourselves from being victimized by data breaches.

Ericka Watson, Esq.

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Ericka Watson?

Ericka Watson: My roots are in Chicago, as this city grew me up and challenged my perspective on life. I am incredibly passionate, and that passion fuels everything I do, from being a woman business executive, a wife and mother, an entrepreneur, and a data privacy advocate. I believe in being considerate and thoughtful towards the people I love and making decisions that impact the larger society through my influence and ability to develop ethical and business-friendly data solutions. My journey has been driven by a commitment to doing what is right and positively impacting the lives and careers of the people I touch every day. My career has been dedicated to building and leading data privacy programs for big organizations, creating innovative solutions, and challenging leaders to think outside of the use of data to drive business goals.

What are three words family and friends would use to describe you?

Three words come straight from my family and friends…Balanced, Competitive, and Persistent.

As a child, what did you first dream of doing for a living?

I just wanted to stop the pain and hurt that people were living through, so I thought the best route was to become a doctor. I didn’t realize that becoming a lawyer could also be a route.

How did you find your way into the world of data privacy?

The notion of data privacy as an ethical issue first became apparent when I worked in the Department of Medical Informatics at New York Presbyterian Hospital, Cornell University. My goal at that time was to go to medical school and become a neurosurgeon. Still, my path quickly changed as I realized that making medical data accessible for patients, doctors, and researchers was riddled with legal, technical, and ethical issues. Ethical issues that were close to and dear to me – ‘doing the right thing’ brought me back to the historical context of the many wrongs that were done in the name of science(HELA cell, Tuskegee, Eugenics, etc….), mainly to traditionally underrepresented populations. I needed to help drive the change to protect people and their most sensitive data. With an interest in bioethics, I started pondering the ethical issues intertwined with easy access to sensitive data – and how it could be misused.

Ericka Watson and Data Strategy Advisor Team

Please tell us about your new company, Data Strategy Advisors.

It is a dream come to fruition… All the signs I witnessed led me to make a big decision and finally start executing my dream. Data Strategy Advisors, LLC. (DSA) is a premier consultancy dedicated to supporting privacy operations and advising businesses on navigating the complexities of their data landscapes and compliance obligations. We believe in the power of data to transform enterprises while upholding privacy and compliance standards. Our mission is to empower organizations to responsibly harness their data’s potential. DSA provides this expertise and support to businesses leveraging data for innovation and growth. We deliver practical and tailored data compliance solutions.

Are there any common misconceptions you often encounter when dealing with data privacy and security?

So many misconceptions from everyday people: “Why should I care about privacy? All of my data is in the dark web anyway”,  “Isn’t privacy about IP and trademarks”, “I gave all of my data away, I can’t get it back,” “I don’t have a choice, I have to share my data.”

Misconceptions from companies: “The more data we gather, the better,” “We should keep this data for as long as possible because you never know when we may need it,” and “Privacy is a hindrance and not business friendly.”

How do you suggest people guard against data breaches?

Don’t overshare. When asked for data, ask “why,” and if it is not necessary for the purpose, don’t share it. Don’t link accounts because if one account is compromised – all linked accounts are compromised. Use different passwords and change them often. Monitor your identity.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?

I am an introvert, but not shy. I love people, even the ones that are jerks… I like to think that all people start from a place of good and somehow get confused (like the Joker and some of our other villains).

Also… I’m an advent snowboarder.

Can you name a book that changed or really impacted your life?

My favorite book of all time is Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison. So much of this novel paints a picture of resilience and determination despite the overwhelming challenges he faces.

One of my favorite lines is, “Life is to be lived, not controlled, and humanity is won by continuing to play in the face of certain defeat.” This resonates with me as a black woman in America and corporate America. I keep pushing despite the unfairness and adversity I face.

Best advice or words of wisdom?

Do what you feel passionate about, and do it well.

Favorite quote or affirmation?

This too will pass.”

Ericka Watson, Esq.

What’s next for Ericka Watson and Data Strategy Advisors?

There is so much on the horizon for me, my career, and how I want to impact the community and the world. I’m starting a professorship at Northwestern University in the Fall. I’m writing a book on navigating corporate America and a book to help children understand how to protect themselves online, and I am also working on a new business venture, which I will share more about soon.

For more information on Data Strategy Advisors, please visit www.datastrategyadvisors.com and connect with Ericka on her LinkedIn page.

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