Kamala, Kamala, Kamala…

Vice President Kamala Harris (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Malcolm X made a statement about Black women. He said, “The most disrespected person in America is the Black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the Black woman. The most neglected person in America is the Black woman.”

And now history and the future come forth in a collision course. History was made on July 21, 2024. President Joe Biden withdrew from being the Democratic Presidential nominee and will remain in his presidency to complete his term. It is most challenging to be a campaigning candidate, appearing in up to six cities daily and in president mode simultaneously. It is challenging at any age. The door opened wide for Vice President Kamala Harris to be President of the United States. She has a historic opportunity. Her entire career has been history-making. Black women will come together for this political moment. This will be a woman’s crusade of all generations and all stripes.

If you would like to donate, here’s the link.


President Joe Biden (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Sunday, when I heard the breaking news. I began to cry. Thinking about “WE” from the civil rights movement, I have seen so much. We saw Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. killed. We saw President John F. Kennedy killed. We saw Medgar Edgar killed. We saw Bobbie Kennedy killed. We saw Malcolm X killed. We witnessed our leaders get their heads blown off for their political beliefs. We saw the Black Panthers killed and jailed. We saw tragedy come for speaking out and death come for speaking truth to power. We saw our grandparents proudly vote, we saw the end of segregation, and we saw the world open up in new ways. 

All Photos Courtesy of Instagram

We saw Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm run for President of the United States, Sen. Carol Mosley Braun made history by becoming the first woman African American Senator, Rev. Jesse Jackson ran for President modernized the Democratic Party, and Barack Obama elected to the nation’s highest office. We have observed the evolution of American politics, and we have been the ones driving change. 

Enter Kamala D. Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris (Photos Courtesy of Instagram)

A new entry has been made on the political stage. Enter Kamala Harris. She is a mixed-Black woman, a graduate of Howard University (a Historically Black College and University), an attorney, and a native of Oakland, California. She was a United States Senator from California from 2017 to 2021.

She was the District Attorney of San Franciso, the Attorney General of California, and a trusted Vice President of the United States to President Joe Biden. She has a stellar political resume and is ready for the presidential seat. Biden’s withdrawal from the race opens the door for her.

Black women will unite like never before and step up and step forward in a mighty way. Kamala is at the right place at the right time. She will challenge Trump, and the debates will be a delight to watch as she slays his lies.

The Criminal Challenged…

Donald Trump is now challenged. He will take swipes at Kamala as a Black woman. He seems to have a fundamental disrespect for women. His racism will rise. The bottom line of this 2024 presidential contest is racism and sexism. Kamala is up to the task, ready for the fight.

Trump has done an excellent job in organizing macho white men as the wrestler community appeared on his Republican stage; he has organized rednecks, hillbillies, and Ku Klux Klan racist-type white men who think they are losing something. They are the ones who need to blame somebody; they so believe in violence. Trump calms the threat. Trump is a convicted felon, and by the current laws on the books, he cannot vote. Trump is now the elder in the race.

He doesn’t have Biden to beat up anymore. The racism and sexism of Trump will emerge even more with Kamala is the race. Trump’s idea of running America is Hitler-based. America’s democracy might vanish under Trump, and the government will move more towards autocracy with exclusive dominant power. This is not the America we have lived in and not the America our forefathers established.

“Together We Will Fight!” and “Together We Will Win!”

Vice President Kamala Harris (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Mrs. Kamala Harris assures democracy with a new perspective. She brings the Black woman to the White House, not as a wife or a Vice, with the full power of having the primary voice in the free world. The Black woman is sometimes the unknown woman, the ignored woman, or the woman taken for granted. A new lady will emerge, waiting to be viewed in fullness. 

On Sunday evening, a Zoom call of Black women, a win-win, took place. The goal was to have 1000 women on the call to talk about and support Kamala Harris. The call ended up with 40,000 women and caused Zoom to break again and again. Someone figured it out, and Zoom became a Webinar. The call lasted until midnight. The women bonded and swore allegiance to Kamala. She will win. She will change history.  It is time. On Monday, Black men had a call, and there were 40,000 to talk about Kamala’s campaign. 

Kamala made history again, raising $100 million in a day, the most ever raised for a political campaign. 2024 will be a woman’s campaign. Women united. Black women lead. We live in history. She will be America’s prettiest President. 

Click the link to donate: https://secure.joebiden.com/a/black-leadership-council-bvf#!

Here we go.  AND STILL, WE RISE. With Kamala at the helm, we are on the path to making America better. Let’s keep the hope alive and the optimism high. Nelson Mandela said, “Everything is impossible until you do it.” 

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