Donald Trump Owes Black America An Apology…

Donald Trump (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Donald Trump is a wild man let loose, a tiger out of the cage roaming the political landscape. He is a fool and is a danger not just to democracy but, more accurately, to the American way of life. As we move closer to the election in November and the political summer convention, it’s time to be real, for real.

Trump is a s master media manipulator. He is not a politician. He is playing his celebrity to the hilt. He is a one-man show for one man exclusively. TRUMP. The polls show he and Joe Biden are neck and neck in the polls. This is amazing. We have seen a jury trial that found Trump guilty of 34 counts of falsifying business records, paying a prostitute hush money, and buying media for kill stories at National Inquirer. He is a hot mess to the political endeavors. Surely, we need an amendment to the Constitution stating who can run for office under certain circumstances.

A convicted felon can run for President of the United States. In contrast, a teacher, a college president, a police officer, or a bus driver can lose their job for such unruly behavior. Trump mastered the media from his television show, The Apprentice. In a brand new book, Ramon Setoodeh describes the media dynamic. The author is the former editor-in-chief of Variety and a best-selling author. He tells the never-fully-told, behind-the-scenes story of Donald Trump and The Apprentice, the long-running reality series that catapulted him to the White House for the first time is the definitive untold story of Trump’s years as a reality TV star. Trump himself admits he might not have been president without the reality show. This is Trump’s rise to power as a celebrity. This is the establishment and foundation of his imagery. He is a leader, he is authoritative, he is a top-notch businessman, and he encourages entrepreneurship. This established image is “Apprentice” reality show driven.

Where Did The Real Politicians Go?

Obama, Biden and Clinton (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

What happened to the noble politician for the good of the people? Trump is scary. I have watched a couple of episodes of the Netflix documentary on Hitler. From it, you figure out Trump’s playbook. Hitler said, “Make Germany Great Again.” Trump says, “Make America Great Again.” Trump is not running for President of the United States to govern. Trump is running for the position of King of the United States so that he can rule. He threatened the country with a “bloodbath” should he lose or if his sentence did not please him. What does that mean? Does it suggest chaos on urban streets? Does it imply lynching squads? Does it mean violence in the street for voting revenge? He threatens that when elected, he will never leave office again. That is the talk of a King, autocratic, dictatorial government. The thought frightens and clashes with the American core.

Images Courtesy of Instagram

The media can be held responsible for the rise of Trump, the politician. Suppose he was ignored? Too late, you say? Maybe. We have about twenty minutes of news from Trump daily. Trump understands a single message per day. He is outrageous and bold. Biden does not share equal time with the networks. But he should. FCC rules are used to state equal time for politicians. Not so today. Trump could out-media Biden as he disrupts the political process. There is a psychology to repeat viewing. If you see it continuously, you believe it. He talks foolishly and even ridiculously without challenge or scorn. He says he has been the best president of Black America since Lincoln. This is an insult to history and American intelligence. Saying it long enough makes it believable. President Abraham Lincoln was a Republican, and his party freed the slaves. Historians recognize Lincoln as the greatest President ever because he saved the Union with the Executive Order of The Emancipation Proclamation. So, Trump symbolically aligns himself with the “greatest American president.”

President Lyndon B. Johnson (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)
Photo Courtesy of Instagram

By the way, for Black America, the next most productive President for Black America was Democrat Lyndon Johnson. Trump is filled with propaganda techniques. The next nonfactual lie is that Black men are voting for him by 30% and Black women are voting for him by 12%. This is insulting to the legacy of Harriet Tubman and Frederick Douglas. So Trump goes to Detroit and to the Black church to state his case. But do they remember, do they recall the Central Park Five? The polls don’t always get it right. I challenge the polls often; in this case, I believe the polls are pure propaganda. They talk to the wrong people. They have been proven wrong. If one is to measure Trump’s public pulse, I would tell you to look closely at the 12 jurors who found Trump guilty. That was a real poll. 

The American way of life is at stake with Trump, possibly two more Supreme Court appointments. Trump threatens women everywhere with birth control, contraception, abortion, and reproductive rights. Young women should take to the streets with this lone item. Politics should not be in a woman’s bed for any reason. These are decisions to be made by couples exclusively. 

Photos Courtesy of Instagram

America remembers this is the man, the President, who said to take bleach as a cure for COVID. He is appalling, and his antics include selling gold-colored gym shoes and Bibles. He suggests adding the Constitution to the Bible; perhaps he would rewrite the Bible too.

It is time for Americans to stand up to the lunacy and send him to the retirement farm forever. Americans can’t afford Trump.

America looks at the Trump reality. We cannot, for any reason, mirror Hitler’s Germany.

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