Since 2016 Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton, Sr. has served as Pastor of the Cosmopolitan Community Church located on Chicago’s Southside at 5249 S. Wabash Ave. Having more than 20 years of ministerial experience, some of his ministerial gifts include teaching, equipping, education, worship/music, and church structure.
A Southside native, Dr. Clopton received the call for ministry at a young age. He served as a minister of music from age 16, and this passion for worship has flowed into every aspect of his life. In pursuit of his calling, Dr. Clopton earned his Bachelor of Art in Divinity from Mt. Carmel Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Art in Theology from Life Christian University. He returned to Life Christian University to earn his Masters of Art in Theology in 2012 and soon after earned his Doctor of Ministry in Theology in 2014. Dr. Clopton is currently a professor of Biblical Studies on the campus of Life Christian University. Although he has a love and fervor for ministry, his passion for his family is even greater.
Dr. Clopton is the husband of Kyra Clopton and the father to three daughters, Erica, Kayla, and Kyran, and one son, Eric Jr., and grandfather to Zuri. To date, Dr. Clopton has experienced God doing miraculous things and has a number of successes; yet, his greatest accomplishment is raising godly children and leaving a strong legacy of faith for his family, just as his grandmother left for him.
N’DIGO recently sat down with the Pastor to discuss his call to the ministry, some of the community-focused endeavors of his church, and the upcoming Cosmo Care Back 2 School Event.
N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton?
Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton: Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton is just a family man of faith from the south side of Chicago who’s trying to do his best to love, be loved, impact, help, and encourage others. I have the privilege of representing God at His church.
How did you come to be called to the ministry?
I grew up in church and served in a lot of church roles, but I never thought about being a pastor. I have always talked to God, always wanted to know more from a theological standpoint, and have always helped others when the opportunity presented itself. The call just seemed to happen organically. I still never saw myself in pastoral ministry, but I always found myself doing the work in one way or another in a supportive role.
Was your calling something you ever doubted or resisted? Was there another profession you considered?
There always have been, and even there currently are days when I doubt because who is really qualified to represent God to people? Ministry is a major and heavy responsibility and lots of work when you do it right.
Pastoral ministry is natural, spiritual, emotional, mental, physical, and financial. You serve God by serving people. You’re called to preach, teach, marry, bury, counsel, baptize, dedicate babies, manage volunteers, manage staff, manage facilities, manage budgets, organize the community, regularly study, and always be ready for whatever else happens in the lives of people.
My career prior to pastoring was mainly in corporate America, working in procurement and contract management for primarily Fortune 500 companies.
Please tell us about your church, Cosmopolitan Community Church.
Cosmopolitan Community Church is an active historic 100-year-old church where I am the 4th pastor in succession. We love God and do our best to walk out our faith convictions by doing what the Bible says. As a church, we love, serve, reach, teach, pray, worship, praise, and empower. We are authentic in our pursuit to show and tell the world about the love of God through His son Jesus.
What can attendees expect from your upcoming 7th annual Cosmo Care Back 2 School event?
The Back 2 School event will be a fun-filled, family-friendly day in the community. There will be food, games, bookbag and school supply giveaways, music, bounce houses, free haircuts, and so much more. Legendary actor and Chicago’s very own Mr. T will be a special guest. It’s open to all, and we encourage the community to come on out.
What are some of the other outreach initiatives the church has undertaken?
We have fed the hungry, partnered with Beasley Academic Center to meet the needs of students, and partnered with several local shelters to address the needs of people experiencing homelessness. During the height of Covid, we provided shots and testing through strategic partnerships. We’ve also served as a polling place for voters, mentored teens, and pre-teens, and offered free financial literacy and mental health initiatives.
Do you have a golden motto you abide by in serving your parishioners and conducting church business overall?
Pastoring isn’t what I’ve got to do, but it is what I get to do!
What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
Probably that I am a pretty good cook even though my wife does all of the grilling in the house.
Last great book you read?
The Bible Is Black History by Dr. Theron D. Williams
Best advice to the youth?
Make your decisions count because you won’t be young forever.
Favorite quote or affirmation?
Galatians 6:7 KJV
[7] Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Galatians 6:9 KJV
[9] And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap if we faint not.
What’s next for Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton, Sr., and the Cosmopolitan Community Church?
I’m constantly being told that we are one of the Southside’s greatest secrets, so it’s our goal to provide greater hope and be of greater impact by doing more outstanding works for God and man.
Be sure to join Cosmopolitan Community Church as it celebrates its centennial year with its upcoming Cosmo Care Back 2 School event to be held on Saturday, August 5, 2023, from noon until 5 pm on 53rd Street between Michigan and Wabash Avenues.
For more information on Rev. Dr. Eric D. Clopton and the Cosmopolitan Community Church, please visit