Q&A – Jaci Williamson – Actress/Model/Writer/Holistic Health Advocate 

Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson

Jacquelynn “Jaci” Williamson is a mother, wife, actress, model, and all-around creative that has been making her mark in the worlds of tv/film and modeling for the better part of two decades.

In addition to keeping a foot in the world of entertainment, the Chicago area native is also a passionate holistic health advocate and soon-to-be the author of not only a book on holistic health but a book of poetry as well.

Williamson can currently be seen as “Zoe” in Christopher Nolan‘s “The Final Say,” currently streaming on BET+.

N’DIGO recently sat down with Williamson to discuss her path to the world of entertainment, upcoming projects, and her take on the inevitability of the burgeoning  A.I. technology.

Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Jaci Williamson?

Jaci Williamson:  I am that I am. In that, I mean that every day, I fill in the blanks; I am healthy, I am driven, I am successful, I am prosperous, I am abundant, and  I am this unstoppable force destined to achieve all of my desires. I am that I am.

As a child, did you always know you wanted to be in entertainment, or did you picture yourself doing something else?

I had no idea, and I don’t think I gave it much thought then. I was simply enjoying being a kid doing regular things around the neighborhood. I was very competitive, though. But I had no idea I’d be in the entertainment industry back then.

How did you get your start in the entertainment industry?

Warning: my path is definitely abnormal. In 2005 after being laid off from my IT job in Northbrook, my husband and I discussed my possibly being a stay-at-home mom to my three children at the time. That took some getting used to but I was open to the idea…or at least trying it. Though I didn’t grow up daydreaming of entertainment, by this time, the idea had been in the back of my mind for a while. It was one of those gnawing thoughts that don’t seem to go away until you act on it. One day, while at home, I finally decided to act on the thought and started looking up talent agencies in Chicago. I decided on one, attended an open call, and I was signed that day. I expected to be signed, and therefore I was. I was a super manifester in those days. 

The Final Say with Jaci Williamson and Timon Kyle Durrett

Please tell us about your latest project, The Final Say, and your character.

Directed by the prolific Christopher Nolan,The Final Say” is the story of a married couple (played by Deborah Joy Winans and Timon Kyle Durrett) that decides to go their separate ways after dealing with the aftermath of infertility and loss. Be that as it may, they quickly learn that a higher power has the final say, even after the final decree has been given. My character, Zoe, is essentially a rebound girlfriend for Timon’s character. It’s such a special project, and I am honored to be a part of it. From top to bottom, the cast and crew were just a group of wonderful people. 

On set of “The Final Say” (Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson)

What’s your approach to taking on a character?

I try to keep my approach as simple as putting myself into the character’s shoes and assessing their situation, figuring out their choices in the matter, and understanding why they do what they do. Feeling those things out helps me decide how to take this character on. Depending on the role, sometimes doing that can be heavy on the soul; channeling that emotion and energy can be draining. But all things considered, you want to be as authentic as possible in a make-believe situation. 

Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson

Thoughts on the burgeoning AI technology and how it will potentially affect film and television?

Welp! “It’s here…it’s here.” Sometimes technology is wonderful, and sometimes it’s the worst thing ever. You can’t tell me that machines can better be creative and/or original. You’ll always need a human touch. Even a human has to program the machines…right?!  I’m #TeamHuman all day!!!

How do you balance it all as a mother, wife, and working actress/model? What’s your self-care routine?

When it’s something that you want, that you strive for, that is a way of life, you make it work. I have a specific work ethic. I work at what I want in life, which benefits me in my professional pursuits. My self-care routine, though? NOW WE’RE TALKING! That is Mandatory! I take a holistic approach to my life and the lives of my family and friends. They already know I don’t play! I’m talking about healthy, organic, real, wholesome, unprocessed foods. I also focus on maintaining a positive mental attitude.  Meditation, exercise, and lots of laughing are a few other necessities. 

Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson

What’s something most people would be surprised to know about you? 

Due to my son being overly vaccinated back in 2009, he developed a massive infiltrating thymoma in his chest. It was misdiagnosed at first, and ultimately it took his life. I had to learn the hard way. Not all medicine/vaccines can be tolerated, and not all doctors/healthcare workers adhere to Hippocratic Oath! Thank God for those who truly care. That’s why I am a holistic health advocate today. I make my own herbal medicine, beauty products, and cleaning products. I have a near infrared sauna, an air purifier with ozone, and a water Ozonator, to name a few. I have a book on living holistically in the works, which I’m looking forward to sharing more with everyone.

Best advice to young and aspiring actors?

Don’t be like anyone else. You can be successful by being authentically you! Also, talk to your parents and let them know that you want to be an actor. It takes a village. By village, I mean family support, acting classes, travel, parent-monitored social media presence, Headshots, and the willingness and audacity to Succeed! Create, Create, Create your own content!!! You don’t need permission to be great…just do it!

Favorite quote or affirmation?

I have a couple that stay with me. 

Don’t die with the music still in you.” – Dr. Wayne Dyer.

All is well, everything is working out for my highest good, and from this situation, only good will come, and I am safe.” – Louise Hay.

Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson
Photo Courtesy of Jaci Williamson

What’s next for Jaci Williamson?

The future is bright. So much on the horizon. Always on the hunt for my next tv/film project. I’m working on my TikTok channel on which I’ll give holistic health pointers. Also, I’m looking forward to releasing a book on holistic health and a book of poetry. This piece from the poetry book called “Showers of Inspiration” pretty much sums it up.

Synopsis of my journey…

my inner-rhythm’s foundation

leads me to runways,

against the grain

            I strut…

gliding into monologue of sorts

the big screen, welcomes me…

commercial print, poses me…

scripts…seek me…

and spoken word

            defines me…

while Oprah colors me purple,

            I am Beloved…

the sound of my name floats

in eardrums like African beats

on stretched leather…on top

nature’s bamboo-

boom, boom, boom…Koozy

…yeah, that’s the sound

infinite possibilities inspire me

diligence wears me like butta on rye

like silk suits straight out the cleaner’s oven,

professional – always

my personality…abundant

success – my mission

spiritual space – a must…

my tree sprouts every which way,

you never know where one branch could lead

offers to my left,

contracts to my right

scattered aromas everywhere,

I whiff…

            smells so good…

just need chance…

to flourish…

…..Or Create my own Path…Period!

Copyright 2005

For more information on Jaci Williamson, please feel free to follow her on Facebook or Instagram.

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