Q&A – Dartesia Pitts – The Soul Celiac

Dartesia Pitts (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

Dartesia Pitts is an accomplished attorney with numerous accolades to her name including serving as President of the Cook County Bar Association (CCBA) and being named to the National Bar Association’s esteemed Forty Under 40 list. The south side native has also been seen on national television as a legal commentator on Fox’s Swift Justice with Nancy Grace, and the TV One programs Fatal Attraction, Justice By Any Means and Payback.

Last year the in-demand lawyer and speaker came head to head with an unexpected adversary that no amount of legal expertise could help her maneuver around : Gluten.

Gluten is a protein naturally found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. It acts like a binder, holding food together and adding a “stretchy” quality—think of a pizza maker tossing and stretching out a ball of dough. As natural as it is, it can also serve as a severe allergy for some and cause a number of serious health issues and medical complications.

After discovering her allergy to Gluten, Pitts had to rethink her entire diet.  This lifestyle change was a bit of a lift and required a lot of research and planning.  It hasn’t been the easiest to make this adjustment and surely others may struggle to make the changes as well.  So, She created The Soul Celiac to make it easier for those seeking to live gluten-free by providing more knowledge and resources on how to incorporate a whole-food diet. With The Soul Celiac, she hopes to provide educational facts around gluten consumption, help people navigate simple things such as celebrating life with family and friends with a gluten allergy (specifically around food and drinks), and being prepared for challenges in restaurants and grocery concerning avoiding hidden gluten in foods.

N’DIGO recently sat down with Pitts to learn more about her new journey as The Soul Celiac.

Dartesia Pitts (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Dartesia Pitts?

Dartesia Pitts: I am a daughter, a sister, and a friend. I am an attorney that has always been an advocate and teacher at heart.

What was the inspiration in creating The Soul Celica?

Post pandemic 2022 I noticed I was feeling horrible and couldn’t quite seem to shake it. I was suffering from several symptoms and could not pinpoint the issue including but not limited to weight gain and depression. I went to see a wellness doctor who ran several tests including vitamins, hormones and food allergies. I discovered from that process that I had high gluten antibodies which signified a gluten allergy. My doctor instructed me to absolutely avoid gluten and try to focus on a whole food diet as much as possible.  After I adjusted my diet, I lost 15 pounds in 5 weeks and began to feel so much better. I began to look for a community that could identify with me in this journey and did not find many, so I created The Soul Celiac which documents my journey in this space. Becoming gluten free is a lifestyle change that not many people are prepared for and I hope that I can help them facilitate the journey.

As a busy on the go professional, describe what your eating habits used to be like?

I dined out a lot. I thought that I had the luxury of eating at various restaurants so that I could focus on my work. I actually did not think that it would pose a problem. However, if you aren’t cooking your food then you are unaware as to every ingredient in it.  Most of the times the servers aren’t even aware! As it turned out, being diagnosed with a gluten allergy might have saved my overall health!

What’s been the hardest part of changing your diet?

Breaking old habits for sure. The American diet is one of the least gluten-free friendly diets out there. And as an African-American woman who has roots in southern American cuisine, the change in my diet was not easy but it was absolutely necessary. I had to become conscious of my food choices and make the best decisions for my overall health as a medical necessity. So, no more macaroni and cheese, dressing, fried chicken and gravies. I began to incorporate foods that are naturally gluten free and aren’t processed to adjust to my new diet. I had to begin to cook more often so that I can identify all the ingredients in my food. I had to learn and grow on my diet journey to ensure that I was not consuming foods that would make me sick. The mindset necessary to adjust to this new way of eating was the biggest change as it relates to my diet.  The Soul Celiac focuses on the 360 degree wellness commitment necessary to make the best choices related to your self care and diet.

Tell us an interesting food fact you’ve discovered since starting this journey?

I can’t overstate that Gluten is in just about everything and more people than you expect tend to be allergic to the protein. Not only are common items like bread and pasta very glutenous but also food items you may never think of like soy sauce (fermented wheat) and margarita mix contain gluten. You just never know. It’s important to read labels, ask questions and stay engaged in your menu to ensure you don’t get “glutened”.

Dartesia Pitts (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

How has the response to your new journey been from your loved ones and friends?

At first, they seemed to think it was contagious. I say this jokingly but truthfully!  No one around me wanted the restrictions on their diet where gluten was eliminated. However, as they have seen my adjustments and overall health, some have begun to incorporate these healthy restrictions for themselves as well.  They also have watched and monitored how their bodies respond to gluten.

Would you agree that this new journey has become something like trial and error for you? 

This lifestyle change is absolutely trial and error. One of my biggest challenges is identifying the hidden sources of gluten. This protein is in the least expected places. As soon as I think I have a hold on my diet, I consume something with hidden gluten and become very sick. I am in my best condition when I don’t lose control of my kitchen. But as soon as I am in a position where I am not preparing my food, I am assuming a risk. 

Can you speak to the need for patience when taking on the task of changing your eating habits?

In this new space, I have to give myself grace to adjust. I have to remain patient and not just eat any of my familiar comfort foods when I’m tired and on the go. Patience with this process is paramount. I also have to give the food industry grace because gluten can be found in EVERYTHING.

Dartesia Pitts (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)

What’s one piece of advice you’d give to anyone interested in changing their diet/eating habits?

I would encourage anyone changing your diet to work with your doctor, educate yourself and become your biggest advocate. Pay attention to how your body responds and let your provider know. It is a team effort but you are in the driver seat. No one knows your body better than you.

Any favorite quotes or affirmations?

I remind myself that I am in control of my diet and life in general. It all comes down to me and the choices that I make.

What’s next for Dartesia Pitts and The Soul Celiac?

I would like to continue the conversation around people being knowledgeable about what they are consuming. We can not eat any and everything.  We shouldn’t eat any and everything.  It is extremely important to become knowledgeable about the food you eat and its effect on your body. To optimize your health, you have to commit your mind, body and soul. Everybody wins when we become knowledgeable about what we consume and digest, in all forms.

For more information on The Soul Celiac, please feel to follow on the YouTube Page and on Instagram

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