(l to r) Mayor Lori Lightfoot, Jesús “Chuy” García, Willie Wilson, Paul Vallas, Brandon Johnson (Photo Courtesy of Instagram)
Chicago’s mayoral election comes to an end on Tuesday, February 28. The final poll will be taken as the citizens speak. Chicago leadership is at stake and subject to change. Chicago politics is at play. The street teams will come full circle. Candidate signs go up and come down. Phone banks are working overtime. Door knockers are walking the streets. Fundraisers are over. Preachers are preaching about their favorite candidates. Commercials are on the last run. The weather is nice, and the voter turnout appears to be high. 
Chicago, America’s third largest city, is about to see CHANGE. Finally, change is about to come. Will it be a second term or a new term? At any rate, all Chicago citizens should vote. The bases of democracy are voting. We go to war to give countries the right to vote. Black people take voting very seriously. We had to fight for our rights. We have witnessed houses burned and people killed because of the right to vote. We have heard stories where people walked miles for days and waited in line for hours so that they could cast their votes. The stories in America about the Black vote are historic and legendary.
Photos Courtesy of Instagram
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. marched for the right to vote. Selma is about the right to vote. The dogs and water hoses turned on marches is about the right to vote. Rev. Jesse Jackson spent a career and tireless hours registering people all over America for the right to vote. As a result, he has registered more people to vote than any other American, to the tune of 6 million. 
Voting is a fundamental right of democracy. No one, but no one, can tell you that your vote does not count. No one can tell you NOT TO VOTE. My mother lived to be 101 years old; she voted in every election since she was eligible to vote. She wrote voting on her sleeve. I have never missed a vote. Talking to older people, they will discuss “when the vote came.” 
Whatever you do on February 28, VOTE! There is no excuse. Voting has been made easy. Early voting, downtown, and voting anywhere in the city. Voting on election day. 
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