Q&A – Ahmand Smith – Author of “Kodi Blackmon: The Eclipse” 

Ahmand Smith (Photo by Tito Garcia)

Born in Alabama, but raised on Chicago’s Southside, Ahmand Smith attended Columbia College and parlayed his talents to produce and promote open mics and comedy shows throughout the city of Chicago. Since then the married father of three, along with his wife, Robiar Smith, have also helped R.B. Pest Solutions to become one of the fastest-growing and highly recognized pest control companies in the Midwest. 

In spite of his busy life, Ahmand still finds time for creative ventures like his new young black superhero book Kodi Blackman: The Eclipse. 

Kodi Blackman is an exterminator and a superhero set on protecting and educating his community with his vast array of skills and powers. 

The world of superheroes is heavily represented by white men. The addition of Kodi Blackman to this world serves as inspiration for all young children, specifically Black children. 

In Kodi Blackman, our kids have a young fun Black superhero that looks like them to inspire and motivate them, which is something Smith thought very important to have.

 “If I can just change the trajectory of one kid’s life with this book, I’ve done my job. The book is intended to inspire young black men and women. This is an attempt to give them all the space to dream, create, be brave, and excel,” shares  Smith.

N’DIGO recently caught up with the very busy Ahmand Smith to discuss all things Kodi Blackman and more.

Ahmand Smith

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Ahmand Smith?

Ahmand Smith: I’m a God-fearing man who happens to be a husband, father, entrepreneur, and author. I will continue to create cool things to encourage and inspire my community as long as I can.

What would present-day Ahmand tell 16-year-old Ahmand? 

I’d tell the younger me to do everything they want to do and live life on their own terms. But, never be afraid to color outside of the lines. 

Tell us about your book “Kodi Blackman: The Eclipse” and the inspiration behind it? 

Kodi Blackman is the character that I’ve created to inspire the youth in my community. Kodi is a superhero that children can look up to that reminds them of themselves and the obstacles that come their way. Kodi is the exterminator that will give them the confidence to overcome all obstacles.  

When writing the character of Kodi, did you already have an idea of the characteristics he’d have, or did you make them up as you went along?

I had the vision of what characteristics I wanted Kodi to have from the beginning of creating the character. After that, I just needed to work on how to deliver the message. 

Can you talk about the importance of representation and specifically having more Black superheroes? 

I think that it’s essential that the children in my community have every opportunity and access to all of the positive things imaginable. Kodi is just my contribution, but we need so much more. 

Ahmand Smith

How do you balance and manage your busy life as a husband, father, and entrepreneur? 

I’m living intentionally and purpose-driven at this point in my life, so balancing it all is not a task but more of a self-propelled journey. I’m having a ball doing it all. 

What does “self-care” look like to you? 

For me, self-care is always making sure that I have time to do the things that I love doing, traveling the world, and seeing things that I never could’ve imagined before being in this space. It’s extremely important to me to make sure that my spirit, physical and mental health are all in a good space and the same is true for my family as well. 

Do you have a favorite little-known Black History fact? 

I don’t have a favorite fact. The truth is that I love all of Black history – the good, the bad, and the ugly. I love all the great inventions that we have created as a people. But I also like to learn about all of the tough times and bad spaces that we’ve been in as a people so that I’ll never forget what we’ve gone through and the sacrifices that were made to be in the space that we are today.  

Ahmand Smith

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you? 

I’d much rather to give than to receive. I truly believe that God has my back and I’ll be ok but I have a duty to make sure that the people that are around me are alright and that’s more important to me than earthly gratification. 

Best advice for aspiring writers? 

Put those words down on some paper!!! Tell your story your way. 

Favorite quote or affirmation? 

What God has for me is for me and there’s nothing that nobody can do about it. 

What’s next for Ahmand Smith? 

We are hard at work to make R.B. Pest Solutions the largest and most successful pest control company in the world. We have a list of products coming your way soon and more cool Kodi Blackman projects as well. Stay tuned for all of the exciting things that we are working on.

For more information on Kodi Blackmon, please connect with him on Instagram: @kodiblackmon

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