Building Wealth With Whitney Hampton

Whitney Hampton

There are those who constantly take from the community and rarely replenish it. And then there are people like Whitney Hampton, who seem to do nothing but constantly give.

A licensed real estate broker and financial educator, Hampton holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance from DePaul University. As Lead Residential Broker at A. Progeny Global, she provides a team of young brokers with expert leadership and know-how as they continue to grow into becoming real estate professionals.

In 2019, Whitney started her own company, Hampton Real Estate and Investments, to specialize in helping millennials create legacies of wealth by making homeownership a reality for themselves.

In the aftermath of the looting and property destruction that took place in the wake of the police murder of George Floyd last summer, Hampton, along with Lutalo McGee, organized a cleanup effort called “Clean Out and Board Up” that targeted Black-owned businesses on the South Side that needed help by putting together crews to help them clean up and/or board up their buildings. Once that particular need was taken care of, the group reorganized as Urban Community Builders and turned their attention to helping feed seniors and assisting young mothers in need.

N’DIGO recently sat with Hampton to discuss her businesses, what drives her, and how she’s working to close the wealth gap in our community.



Whitney Hampton – Real Estate Professional and Community Leader

N’DIGO: In your own words, who is Whitney Hampton?

Whitney Hampton: Whitney Hampton is a woman on a mission! That mission is to carry out God’s purpose for my life and to have a positive impact on every person I encounter.

What are three words your closest friends would use to describe you?
I asked them and these were the words most used: Leader. Kind. Intelligent. And here’s a bonus….Hardworking!

Growing up, did you always know you’d be involved in real estate, or did you initially dream of something else?
I wasn’t thinking about real estate growing up. I wanted to be a lawyer so I could become the first Black president. I wanted to prove to the world how incredible Black people are so I was always an overachiever in an effort to prove the stereotypes wrong. After learning about Malcolm X, Harold Washington, and so many other great Black leaders, I decided I wasn’t willing to let them come after me or my family just to prove a point. So for some time I had no idea what I wanted to do, but what I did know was I was going to help the Black community.

How did you get started in your career?
I wanted to submit a pilot TV show to the DIY Network. The contractors I was working with at the time suggested I get my real estate license because we needed one for the show. I was attending DePaul University at night and working during the day in corporate America in downtown Chicago.

As owner of Hampton Real Estate & Investments, what are some of your day-to-day duties?
Every day I am constantly looking for ways to add value. My day-to-day includes a variety of things, such as taking classes, reading books, and watching financial markets on the news, to name a few. I do a lot of educational workshops as well. It is important to me to help educate people on homeownership so they can be successful. And of course, I show houses to clients.

Can you also tell us a little about your work as a team leader at A. Progeny Global?
As a team leader, I train new brokers on how to be great real estate consultants. Currently, I have two young women on my team who just got their licenses. Additionally, I have been teaching them the fundamentals and providing them with clients and referrals. The goal is to create educated consultants who can then educate the masses on how to use real estate as a vehicle to build wealth.

How would you suggest someone with a small budget that is interested in real estate or investing get started?
Take care of your credit so you can become approved for a mortgage. I recommend you purchase a multi-unit building first. Even though your income may be small, you still may qualify for more when purchasing a multi-unit than if you’re buying a single-family home. You can also purchase tax liens for cash or partner with others to do fix and flips.

Tell us a little about your project, “Clean Out and Board Up 2020”, now known as Urban Community Builders?
When the rioting and looting happened in the summer of 2020 because of the murder of George Floyd, it broke my heart to see businesses suffering in our community. I felt compelled to post on FaceBook and Instagram that if you were a Black-owned business negatively impacted by the rioting, I would help you rebuild. I didn’t even have a plan at the time.

To my surprise, the post was shared over 300 times. I just asked everyone who could to meet me at Home Depot to start the cleanout and board up of those businesses for free. We had over 80 volunteers daily. Once that need died down, we fed nine senior buildings and took care of young mothers who didn’t have access to the necessities for their babies because of the burning down of one of the WIC offices.

As we celebrate Women’s History Month, who are some women you look up to who may have encouraged and inspired you professionally and in life in general?
My mother and my grandmother are my greatest inspirations. They are very different. My mother has always been ambitious, speaks eloquently, very independent, and just doesn’t take any stuff from anyone! My grandmother is our matriarch. She ran her own business but also cooked for the family three times a day, cleaned, made sure we were loved and nurtured. My grandmother did it all with impeccable style and grace.

I tried to pull from both of their strengths as I grow into the person God wants me to be and the purpose for my life. I am also encouraged and inspired by all women who are unapologetically themselves, whether it is running boardrooms or running the house, whether they are flawless ladies from head to toe or in totally relaxed attire, those that are true to themselves and are working every day to be their best selves!

What are three principles or ideals you try to abide by in your business dealings?
In order for me to engage in a business transaction or partnership, it must further my mission and be a benefit to the community. My mission is to empower millennials to cultivate wealthy, sustainable communities through education and mentorship. When I made that decision years ago my life changed. I didn’t just take on any and everything anymore. I became laser-focused. My principles are just that it must add value!

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
People would probably be surprised to know that I am a loner. I crave quiet and alone time. I am a thinker. I really seek to understand people and situations and that requires quiet. I love people and because I am often taking pictures or videos, I think people would assume I like to be surrounded by people.

Can you name a book that changed or really impacted your life?
The Autobiography of Malcolm X changed my life. It taught me the importance of constantly evolving and recognizing that even when you are doing everything right and to the benefit of others, people won’t always receive it, but keep going!

Best advice for aspiring real estate professionals?
Add value! If you aren’t educating people, you are just a house salesman. Our community doesn’t need salespeople, we need to close the wealth gap in this country. Purchasing real estate can be a direct contributor to creating wealth. Don’t look at people as merely a transaction, however; understand that this is your way to change lives and communities. Take it seriously! Take it very seriously!

Favorite quote or affirmation?
“You deserve what you tolerate.” – Trez V. Pugh

What’s next for Whitney Hampton?
So much more is coming my way! My main priority is to continue to change lives through real estate. I am working hard to be a stronger investor and developer. I want to take my talents global to change lives all over the world! The goal is when people hear the name “Whitney Hampton”, they know I have their best interest at heart, they know they can trust me to show them the best way to create wealth. Through trust we build relationships and partnerships that create a lasting legacy for our families. Let’s just say I want to change the world one home at a time! #HamptonMakesItHappen

For more information on Whitney Hampton, please visit and also visit Urban Community Builders.

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