Dump Trump

It is said in most elections to encourage people to vote, “This is the most important election of our lifetime,” but this time, the saying rings real.

The 2020 election between the sitting President of the United States, Donald Trump and Democratic candidate, Joe Biden will determine the direction of this country for a lifetime. The era of COVID-19, adds to the severity. I listen with regularity and a keen ear to the commentators and the television pundits as they politely discuss the election. To my dissatisfaction, no one has captured Trump and his danger to the country, or they are plainly just too damn polite to say it out loud. Trump is dangerous to America.

Trump ways are Hitler-like and reading how Hitler’s assumed power in Nazi Germany, Trump mirrors his path. He has developed hate groups and has divided the country with civil unrest. Trump’s fundamentals are based on hatred and superiority. Our very democracy is at stake in this election.

The outpour of voting is encouraging and it seems that we will have a record-breaking election, but we won’t know whom the votes are for until the fat lady sings. To date, 22 million people have voted. In Georgia, for example, the vote is 152% higher than it was in 2016. And this is the state where voter suppression was rampant in the Governor’s election. In Georgia the in person vote at the polls is up 62%, and a whopping 48% more mail-in ballots have been counted.

In Memphis, the last vote had 1000 mail-ins and to date they have 16,000. The point I’m making is voting is up around the country and so is the virus.

Donald Trump is not qualified to be President of the United States. His decision-making is lacking and his concern for the welfare of the American people is null and void. Trump is an egotist, a narcissist and a salesman. He is his only client. He is transactional. He is an entrepreneur, not a corporate leader. He fights for his dollars by making deals. Yet he’s an excellent marketer. He sells and sells and then sells some more. Think of a car salesman. They don’t’ stop until you sign on the dotted line and drive the car off the lot.

To date, 22 new books have been written about Trump discussing his flaws as a family member, a company man, an administrator and as the President of the United States. One book reveals, when he saw a Black male, on his construction site, he wanted him fired on the spot, simply because he was Black. His reasoning was that he could not sell million dollar condos to people who saw a Black man building the building. Is that racist enough for you? He is single minded and disgusting. He has absolutely destroyed the Republican Party, so much so, that Republicans are turning against him and are at best ashamed and embarrassed. So, you wonder, how did he get here in the first place? He sold himself to the American public, just like you sell soap, as old man Joe Kennedy might say.

He wined and dined the American public. He knew clearly who his voter was. The white racist, who fears “minorities,” diversity and equality was his audience. They have complexes and work on the value of fear and superiority. Trump said it in a speech, with a word; we must maintain “dominance.” The rioters in Charlottesville, chanted, “Jews will not preplace us.” These are his people. During his term, we have seen gas go downward and the interest rates at an all time low, the stock market high. But is this because of Trump or is it because of the smartness from the Obama-Biden administration? Trump probably gets the credit.

Trump knows nothing of fact checking, He says whatever comes to mind. He is impulsive as he is always attired in his navy blue suit with a red or blue tie. Styled like a corporate leader his appearances matter. He has developed the image. He lies, he enhances, he exaggerates. He is bold and moves with no fear, no regard and knows how to turn a phrase and how to spin it. He is the ultimate spin-doctor. “It’s a blessing that I got COVID.”

Trump is the master manipulator. He projects himself as the smartest, he doesn’t need to read the briefings, he is smarter than the intelligence provided. He is an attack dog. If you don’t agree with him, he attacks with nasty name-calling. He has been allowed to get away with it because no one has attacked back. Biden’s “shut up man” was mild and still very polite. Trump’s last straw was the incident with Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer. His mean words had a mafia group, plan her demise. He didn’t apologize and he acted like he sent the FBI to inform her. Trump words as President of the United States are powerful and dangerous.

The news media adds to the Trump mystique. Daily the news media awaits his Tweets and report on it, no matter how incorrect or how ridicilicous it might be. It is reported and adds fuel to his flame. What would happen if the media, did not report on Trump’s tweets? He would stop. But with the constant tweeting, he has established a direct contact with the American public and a massive following and he is allowed to say whatever.

Trump has insulted women, beyond measure. He calls Vice President candidate, Kamala Harris a monster, without reason, but the news media reports it. He goes unchecked. He excites his base. He knows what his base will respond to. He has killed the Republican Party and has created the White Party. He says, to the white suburban women, “I saved your neighborhoods.” This is code language, for not letting the “minorities” move in. He fuels the stereotypes. He turns and twists a statement to communicate to his crowd. “Make America Great Again.”

He insults with no recourse. People respect the office, I suppose. Trump is the guy in the bar, who gets on everybody nerves, expounding ridiculous remarks that are racist, insulting and offensive. Everybody ignores the bar guy and calls him the crazy uncle or the nut at the local bar. Then one day, a new guy comes in and knocks crazy to the ground with his fist and the bar crowd cheers. But why didn’t somebody do it before, you might ask? Because they were use to him and his lewd remarks. They turned their heads because they are the regulars. The new guy couldn’t stomach it because he wasn’t from around these parts.”

Trump has failed the American public by all means, with his ineffectiveness of dealing with the virus. He has been responsible for killing people, by not listening and following the dictates and advice of the scientists. He moved too slowly to cope with the virus and he politicized it, rendering it a mute issue. This will be his legacy. How many will die at his hands as we see the hospital beds fill with round two of COVID-19?

What do you do with a fool who is a bully who won’t wear a mask or practice social distancing? He’s had gatherings at the White House and the guests were not required to wear masks. The crowd sits with no social distancing as they think they are exempt. The Trumps contract the virus and some public opinion is that, it is a political hoax. The president says it is God sent and the vaccine cure is on the way.

The Trump administration will probably go down in history as one of the worse in the history of the country. Trump has broken all the rules and murdered protocols. I hope we have kept notes and learned a couple of things.

The first, Presidents need to be qualified for the job. That means changing the constitution to read beyond being of age and a citizen. More qualifications are necessary – education, mental examination, tax reveals, for example. Secondly, the American public needs to accept its elected officials with deep dives far beyond slogans and personality contests. We need to get back to the basics like intelligence that insure how we hold an elected official accountable and responsible. Somebody needs to ask the hard questions. Thirdly, if we are going to host debates, we need moderators who can handle the candidates. The first presidential debate was a disaster because of the moderator. The town hall meetings had the best questions from the public rather than the moderators. And finally, but most importantly, the constitution needs to be amended to change it rulings on the Electoral College. The popular vote needs to determine the president of the United State. The Electoral College rule is a slave law, to determine that the slaves would not determine the President. Well, now it’s a new day and we need to push for an update.

The Biden/Harris ticket wins for America. We need to restore sensibility and dignity. We need a team to restore respect and protocols to the office of the President of the United States. Biden’s experience is rich and he can cross the aisle and Senator Harris is full of energy and new ways with a woman’s touch. Simply perfect for our times.

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  • Usually, US Presidents have prior elective office experience and/or military experience. 😁

    Trump had none of the above, which really manifests in so many ways. ☹️

    If the Electoral College never began in 1787, Blacks, whether enslaved or free, couldn’t vote for any public office. ☹️

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