This is an open letter to the Black community. Whites can read and take heed if they so desire, but this is a Black memo about Willie Wilson. I am a holder of a gold Black card with a rich legacy. That to say, I am assuming privileges with a realistic slant.
Whites won’t write this, neither will mainstream media. They simply laugh and try to figure out the total Black experience. They fear being called racist or insensitive or something. I don’t have those problems. They assume a politically correct posture as the fools act foolishly. But a spade is a spade.
We are living in the age of Covid 19. People are living in fear, with high tension and anxiety. We are living day by day like in a science fiction movie with no ending. People are worried and concerned. People are suffering from hardship and trying to avoid disaster.
This is not a time for ignorance or lunatic politics. This is a time for the utmost discerning. We have two problems; one is medical and the other is economics.
As you may know, Willie Wilson is a self-made millionaire with a very special brand of politics. He pulls together Black ministers, usually with small churches, and bargains and barters with them as he leverages their collective congregations for politicos.
I have witnessed this up close and personal, beginning with the former Illinois Governor Bruce Rauner’s campaign in 2014. I saw Willie get a political fever from Bruce Rauner.

Willie donates to the ministers. He is a generous donor, from monetary gifts to fixing roofs, hiring electricians and plumbers, purchasing choir robes and the like. Willie uses his money for self-aggrandizement purposes. Willie plays Batman politics: he comes to save the day.
He seeks attention as he labels himself a “humanitarian.” He thinks and uses his money to buy favor. He wants you to be obedient to his will be done. He has even paid ministers to host his concerts on the church stage.
Willie has done good deeds, of course. He wanted to donate five million masks to the city, but had no plan for distribution and was denied. He then went to churches throughout the city for distribution. Job well done.
He tried to sell masks to the city and the state, but they said they would not pay him $1 million in cash upfront for the masks. Personally, I think a procurement officer could have worked out the business aspect of such a purchase from a minority vendor.
Wilson, The “Politician”
Willie might be angry at Lori Lightfoot, who beat him in the mayoral election. To his good credit, as some in the Black community were turning against Lori because of her gay status, Willie stood up and said sex and gender did not matter. He had his church following support her. She appointed him to the transition team, but after assuming office, Lori would not allow him to run City Hall and did not fall for his dictates.
Willie has run for political office before, including for Governor, Mayor, President and now the U.S. Senate. He will never obtain high office, because of the way he speaks, his limited appeal, and his lack of broad-based intelligence.
To his political credit, as he ran for mayor against Rahm Emanuel, Willie collected 43,000 signatures in a brief five days. In his last mayoral campaign against Lightfoot and others in the historic race of 2019, he garnered 50,960 votes, which was 10.7 percent of the total vote. If Wilson really wanted to serve in a public office, he should run for alderman or state senate, something that would be within his reach.
He is a hard worker, diligent in his approach, and is a genuine American rag to riches story. He has picked cotton in the South. He was a janitor at McDonald’s and rose to become an owner of five McDonald’s franchises and made millions. Willie is a serial entrepreneur and has a significant business brain. Today, he supplies medical supplies to medical facilities, with merchandise from China with tremendous markup margins.
Willie tries to dominate all things he participates in with his money as he seeks public acclaim. With his healthy donations, he seeks support and obedience. He tries to demand obedience. I was in a meeting with him once, a small office business gathering. I spoke without raising my hand and I was lambasted for speaking out of turn.
His base, that he hoodwinks mostly white politicians with, are small storefront churches that he can control and he propagandas that with representing the Black church, the Black minister, and the Black community at large. But this is not true. He attempts to leverage his political candidate support for political power from his church base in the pretense of Black leadership.
The white media falls for the gimmick, because they represent the Black community as a monolithic group, with a narrowly defined leadership. Some of Willie’s ministers are reputable, all are not. Some are just more dependent on Willie than they are true Willie devotees. Willie has no church of his own. He speaks for the ministers with the “Willie” voice.
Some ministers in structured organized religion are theologians. Some ministers are degreed, some ministers are studied. Because you raise your hand and know a bible verse or two, it does not qualify you as a respected minister that enables leadership beyond your church walls. Some ministers follow the pack of Willie. Some do not. Willie is headstrong and is not a listener as he reaches for civic leadership.
The point is simple; there is a difference in the ministry, in the Black church. Not all are the same. There is no one voice in the Black community. There are many, and they don’t always agree.
Re-Opening Black Churches
Willie is trying to embarrass Mayor Lightfoot. He does not like strong Black women with voices. I am among them; in fact, he has called me a monster. In his latest political foray, he is trying to embarrass Lightfoot, particularly, as he protests her and the Governor on behalf of not allowing the churches to open during this time of the pandemic. He suggests the churches are being discriminated against, as they are not considered essential.
The question of the churches not being essential is a thoughtful one. The liquor store is considered essential. Why? Cannabis stores are considered essential. What is missing from the argument is the economics of the church. The Black church in the Black community is its largest business. The smaller churches receive weekly offerings that are their economics. The churches, all of them, need money to operate.
This is a just argument. However, as the Mayor and Governor view churches, it is not the economics under consideration; it is the “gathering” of people that puts the minister and his flock in danger mode of contracting and transmitting Covid 19. On the other hand, the government should consider churches as non-profits and find creative ways to support, as they consider them “businesses.”
Willie wants the powers-that-be to allow the churches to open for service. At this time when the law of the day is “stay home” and limits gatherings to only 10, he is conflicted with the mayor as he directly challenges her authority and suggests that the Governor has total disrespect for the church community.
His game is “Willie Knows Best.” Unless you are on a suicide mission, this is not a good idea. Or is Willie on a Republican mission? You know, there is an election in November and the “divide-and-conquer” is a full-fledged strategic move. To divide the Black churches, where politicians come for votes, is a reasonable account, like no other.
Willie has shown disrespect for Lightfoot as he seeks a showdown with her to test to test her goodwill and her powers. The governor and the mayor tell us that the scientific evidence says at this time that we should stay home and social distance and wear our masks.
Many churches are broadcasting their messages and services on YouTube, Facebook, TV, and streaming services, and in doing so have produced new audiences. Many ministers are growing and developing new parishioners with donations.
This is a new way of receiving and delivering church. We miss the fellowship, we miss the choir, we miss the minister, from the podium to the handshake and big hug, but we have yet another church group experience.
There are too many cases of churches and ministers who have resisted the closing of the church after the minister and many of the congregants have contracted the disesesase and have been hospitalized and maybe died. Ministers get the virus, too. There are too many examples to point to. You don’t want to go to church to die.
Time To Remain Cautious
Covid 19 remains a mystery disease as the medical community tries to figure it out, from the origin to the spread, to the medical dynamic to the cure. There are no firm answers. Daily we have new information and speculation.
Early on it was thought children could not contract it; now we see children getting it in a new form that swells their organs. There was an early theory that Black people could not contract the virus because of stronger bodies. But now we find the Black community has it in greater numbers due to underlying health conditions. Now we find Latinos have it more than most.
This is a disease of discovery. Scientists all over the world are searching for answers and seeking a vaccine. Until then we are not safe in or out of church. The public is threatened with this curious, deadly disease.
Mayor Lightfoot has been patient and discerning as she deals with those who are defying the policies of stay at home and wear the masks. She is Mother Hubbard-like to the citizens of her beloved city. The Willie Wilson crew is forcing her hand at arrest and disbandment. There’s a new police chief in town who doesn’t know Willie Wilson from Little Willie and he might just enforce an arrest policy.
If I could stand in mayoral shoes and enforce policy, I would give the party goers and the church goers and the picnickers a red band, like the one used in the parties and the clubs that allow you access privileges.
The red band would allow all to go to a testing facility for Covid 19. If you tested positive, I would send you a personal card reading, “I TOLD YOU SO. GOOD LUCK AND GET WELL SOON”. I am reminded that the abolitionist Harriet Tubman had to shoot some of the slaves as she attempted to free them.
So, now what I am saying is simple: DON’T FOLLOW WILLIE WILSON TO CHURCH AT THIS TIME. NOT WISE. UNLESS YOU ARE ON A SICK OR SUICIDE MISSION. His limited abilities are showing. Don’t let ignorance kill you. Don’t let money fool you. Take the mask and the money, but don’t go to church, UNTIL THEY ARE OPENED BY THE MAYOR AND THE GOVERNOR.
You can pray from home. You can pray anywhere at any time. Religion is personal. Don’t you pray in the evening before you retire? Don’t you pray in the morning before you start your day? Connecting with God is quite personal. Personally, I am of the late Rev. James Bevel’s thinking. He was asked once by a reporter, “When do you start praying?” Rev. Bevel replied, “I don’t stop.”
God is everywhere. God created the virus. The world is changing for some reason, under God’s guidance. The elected officials are doing their best, but there is no rulebook, there is no guide, and there is no experience.
At the very best, they can study and reflect on pandemics of the past, which are mostly a century old. At this time, we don’t need to protest our public officials as they try to do what’s best for the greater public. We don’t need to take it personally. We need to rise to this critical occasion with calm, discernment, and good sense.
We are bored sitting at home. We are bored and afraid of the uncertainty. I tremble at the news reports that give us the Covid 19 score of testing and deaths every day. The count is staggering. I cringe listening to Trump suggest drinking bleach might help to clear your system.
Don’t be fooled, don’t be stupid, don’t follow Willie Wilson.
Yeah I said it. And I mean it! And may God bless us all.
As we all know, churches are exempt from federal, state, city, county and real estate taxes. A church could raise a lot of money from tithes and fundraisers, which would be untaxed. 😑
Financially, liquor stores and cannabis stores are more valuable to politicians/governmental officials than churches, because they pay taxes and sell lottery tickets. Booze and drugs are always a cash cow. 😑
Interesting perspective. Perhaps the politicians are trying to keep people safe.
Bill Smith, contrary to popular belief, Churches pay taxes.
Thanks. I thought they were exempt.
Hi Lawrence Bobo. I contacted a few clergy people. All of them said they don’t pay taxes.
Your point is understandable, but your words seem to be a personal attack as much as a warning. I think Black people have the ability to make our choices. Some make foolish choices because of lack understanding some make decisions knowing that their decisions can be dangerous. Our Mayor seems to be a wise woman but when you base Mr. Wilson’s whether all or in part on the basis of a battle with Strong Black Women your attacking him for being a Strong Black Man. It’s a “crabs-in-a-barrel” mentality. We can disagree but we don’t have to attack.
I did not attack him. Please don’t consider that I did. I told the truth about him as I know him. WE must be safe at this time. Thanks for writing. Warning is exactly right.
#MicDrop Well said Ms Hermene!! Church is in the body of the churchgoer not the physical dwelling. Money can go great things but it can’t prevent death where death is imminent. While Willie Wilson is “buying” the black community one thing is evident he will never hold a high public office. Was the state stupid for not securing 1M masks from him…absolutely!! However him giving them to communities that needed them was the right thing to do. Wilson if you take off the power seeking exterior is really a good person but he uses his wealth to bully in my opinion.
I like your opinion. thanks.
Taxes are segmented for churches. They pay taxes on their book store and if they are doing business properly, they pay taxes on full functioning banquet halls.
Taxes are exempt from church, right.
Interesting perspective and THANK you for the insight into Willie Wilson. One thing I disagree with you is that God didn’t create this VIRUS; he didn’t stop it from happening but remember the Archangel Lucifer rules this world and he created this chaos!!
God created everything, the Virus included, I think.
Hartman is a straight joke. A straight hater. As a member of the sub-section of black people who is apart of the afrostocracy that has suppressed black people you have a lot of damn nerve. Who cares that Dr. Wilson supported Rauner? I am not rich and am black and I too supported Rauner.
You intentionally failed to mentioned that Lori lied on Dr. Wilson about the upfront cash request how convenient.
Wilson ain’t trying to buy. You speak upon defying Lori yet failed to mention that Limelight Lori is about the media coverage and being in the spotlight. Lori will be a one term mayor. Oh by the way there are plenty of folks gathering on the corners and Lori ain’t did nothing to stop them. Plenty of white folks hanging out at the parks and lori has not done anything to stop them. You also failed to mentioned that the President called for the churches to be open. How convienent of you.
Hartman you’re a subpar journalist who is a gatekeeper of anything about the betterment of black people who are not in the afrostocracy.
Ms. Jones, sorry you think I am a joke. I supported Rauner too. And when I wrote the article on Wilson, Trump had not yet ask that churches open. So much for subpar. Hope you are wearing your mask.
Yes you did support Rauner as well as Rich and Bill Daley , Rahm Emanuel and Lori Lightfoot. None of these people had a history with black folks before entering politics , during their political tenure , nor after leaving politics. In other words history has shown that they’ve never done a DAMN thing that supported or assisted black folks. By the way , what message were you trying to send by posting that photo of Dr. Wilson shaking hands with Gov. Rauner ; because you supported Rauner too. I”m confused! GOOD CALL JANICE JONES.
You are correct in my support. You support who is running. That’s all you can do. I will support Biden this time, because he is the best candidate. The picture with Rauner related to the story.
You failed to mention Dr. Wilson has posted bail money for many at Cook County jail. Give him his props for helping people of all colors, but more of his people at this time when no one else has that i know and it is on the news; i think he runs to split the vote and to get a seat at the table, but the Mayor did not give him a seat; yet he has continued his Ministry and he gets news coverage. I consider this article Blacl/Black hate——
I gave Wilson his props for his good deeds. I did not mention the jail and probably other things. This is not a Black hate article. It is
an article on Black folk gathering and threatening illness and perhaps death. Thanks for reading and writing. Stay safe
Greetings Professor Hartman. I enjoyed reading your article and thought it was spot on. I really liked how you mentioned there are many voices in the black community. We don’t have to agree with our fellowman all the time we just have to be respectful of different points of view.
I am glad my pastor told people in our broadcast yesterday, we are NOT in any hurry to return to the sanctuary. In fact he stated when it is deemed safe, we will wait an extra 2-3 weeks to watch.
Better to be safe than sorry. Wise to wait extra time, in my opinion.
Better to be safe than sorry. Wise to wait extra time, in my opinion.
Re: Politicians & Black Support
Rauner: ? Before ? During ? After
Bill Daley: never elected to public office, supported Obama
Lori Lightfoot: Before – various high school activities, led college boycott over racist, sexist law firm
During – supports Kim Foxx releasing Blacks from jail, supports Kim Foxx not charging Blacks, supports Blacks at house parties & outdoor parks – no charges, no arrests no fines
After – still in office
Ritchie Daley: Before – graduated from De La Salle HS, where he known to have uncontrollable sneezing on students sitting in front of him 🤣😂,
During: as State Senator & Cook State’s Attorney ? ? , as Chicago Mayor, tore down CHA Projects, supported Moseley & Obama for US Senator & Obama for US President, supported Black Clergy & Black Community Leaders 😃
Thanks for the overview.
Thanks for the overview.
You’re welcome. 😃
Lori is a great mayor! 😃
Is this the same Hereme Hartman that oversaw the demise of N’digo maga-paper for the urbane as well as Savoy magazine ?
The Hereme Hartman that did not pay the writers or other staff members and used over 80% of money raised, ostensibly for scholarships, for her own salary and management costs ?
The same bitter (not part of the Jack and Jill, LINKS, Boulé, Martha’s Vineyard crowd) woman that uses her pulpit of about 25 readers to lambaste black men ?
Willie Wilson joins Barack Obama (who rightfully kept her at a very long arms distance) as the target of her poison pen (mad at Obama because he did not invite her to the White House). He must be doing something right.
I was just wondering who inhabits the house made of glass and are there anymore stones left to toss ?
I noticed Savoy Magazine is online. 😁🤓😃
N’DIGO isn’t dead either; it’s online right here. 🤗