Inside The Mind Of…Author Pierre Evans

Renaissance man Pierre Andre' Evans

What happens when you interview a number of celebrities and well-known personalities and delve into the inner workings of their minds and unravel their core beliefs?

You will be intrigued, entertained and quite possibly surprised by many of the answers revealed by the entertainers you thought you knew. Some answers are funny, some are serious, and some are right “off the cuff” with no holds barred!

Pierre Andre Evans’ latest work is the thought provoking book, Inside The Minds Of Entertainers, in which he interviews and shines a unique light on a slew of celebrities, including Cynda Williams (Mo’ Betta Blues), Lawrence Hilton-Jacobs (Cooley High, The Jacksons: An American Dream), Chris Jasper (Isley Jasper Isley), and the late Cuba Gooding Sr. (Main Ingredient).

A fixture on Chicago’s entertainment and house music scenes, Pierre Andre’ Evans is an accomplished freelance writer with published work for the iconic Soul Train brand and more.

N’DIGO recently caught up with Pierre to get an inside look at the hot new book.


(You can meet Pierre in person at his book signing at Sophistique’-The Red Carpet Clothing Store at 1436 East 52nd Street on Saturday, April 21st from 12-3 p.m. For more information, visit and

N’DIGO: In your own words, tell us who is Pierre Andre’ Evans?
Pierre Evans: Pierre is a complicated man…a renaissance man. I am a singer-songwriter, musician, poet, author, DJ, entrepreneur, model, journalist, and a house head. I am a man with high ambitions and a wonderful sense of humor. I am highly spiritual, intelligent, protective, multi-talented, God-gifted, provocative…and yet humble.

Who were three of your favorite entertainers when you were growing up?
That would include George Benson, Minnie Riperton, and The Isley Brothers.

What was your inspiration in writing your new book, Inside The Minds of Entertainers?
The idea for this book came to me in a dream that I had the night of January 16, 2017, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I had a dream. I’ve always wanted to write a book, but I didn’t have a topic to write about. The entire book came to me in a dream that night.

I woke up knowing what my topic would be, who the interviewees would be, as well as all 10 questions that I would ask them. This book is a gift from God to me, to share with you. In this hate-filled world, I want to awaken our spiritual side and bring God back to the table.

What can readers expect when they pick it up?
Inside The Minds Of Entertainers is the first part of a series entitled In The Minds Of…. It is a collection of interviews with well-known and not-so well-known celebrities. I asked 22 entertainers, 10 thought provoking and revealing questions, giving the reader an insightful look into the spiritual, political and psychological psyche of celebrities they thought they knew.

One of the stand out interviews you did is with the late Cuba Gooding Sr. How’d that interview come together and what did you take from your time spent with him?
One of the most enjoyable interviews that I have ever had was with Cuba Gooding, Sr.! I first met him since 2015 while working as an entertainment writer for Cuba had a spirit about him that was infectious.

He told me that he was in the business of human preservation, and that as long as that was my mission, he was 100 percent behind me. My interview with him may be one of the last, and most revealing. The take-away from knowing him is for me to pursue my dreams passionately and fearlessly.

Evans plans to turn the “Inside The Minds Of…” series into a television production.

You published this book independently. What was the biggest lesson you learned in putting this book together?
The process of completing this book took one year and three months. I wrote this book at my leisure and just let it come out when it wanted to. It was not a forced process at all. Being self-published was actually a great learning experience for me.

I had to assume the roles of writer, editor, photographer, cover model, book layout designer, publicist, promoter, salesman, copywriter, and spokesman. By wearing all of those hats, it afforded me the opportunity to hone my skills and learn new ones that will come in handy in the future.

What is Pinnacle Entertainment Productions?
Pinnacle Entertainment Productions is a company I established in December 2008 that identifies, cultivates and showcases talents of all kinds. As a production company, we produce various events, including music concerts, networking events, fashion shows, stage plays, and dance parties. My company even produced my book.

What’s something people would be surprised to know about you?
It would blow people’s minds to know that I am shy. I have always been shy, but I learned at an early age that by being shy I would miss out on a lot of opportunities in life. One lesson that I can pass on to other shy people is the following:

There’s a small voice in your head that says to you, “Don’t raise your hand,” “don’t ask that question,” “don’t sit up front,” “try not to be noticed.” That’s your insecurity speaking. Ignore it! I learned to do just the opposite of what it says. As a result, I learned how to overcome my shyness, but I am still shy.

Can you name a book that changed or really impacted your life?
The one book that has made a major impact on my life is Who Moved My Cheese? by Spencer Johnson, M.D. That book single-handedly is responsible for the effective way that I deal with the ever-changing world we live in, and the problems that come along with it.

Best advice to aspiring entertainers?
The entertainment world is a dog-eat-dog world. Yes, there’s glitz and glamour, but there’s also dirt and grime. A lot of evil people are in powerful positions within this industry. You need to know what you are getting into before you get into it. Educate yourself on the business side of entertainment, whatever your talent may be. Second, armor your spirit and protect it. Many people have, and are, selling their souls for fame…literally. Third, have fun. When your gift is not fun anymore, as God intended it to be, stop! Your time is up!

Favorite quote or affirmation?
“I can do whatever in the world that I want to; why not?” That’s from Pierre A. Evans.

What’s next for Pierre Andre’ Evans?
My next adventure is to develop my In The Minds Of… series into a television show. Inside The Minds Of… is meant to be seen…and it will be heard. Stay tuned!

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