Q&A: Ericka N. Perry – The Stork Bag

During pregnancy, most expecting mothers find out as much information as possible about becoming a “new mom” and about the “new baby” growing inside of them while self-care sometimes can fall to the wayside.

Enter entrepreneur Ericka N. Perry and her creation, The Stork Bag.

Launched in 2014, the Stork Bag is the first ever reusable subscription bag designed specifically for pregnant woman to help provide moms-to-be with help in caring for themselves and their new babies. Curated to match each trimester of pregnancy, the Stork Bag includes many products created by other mom entrepreneurs and inventors.

N’digo recently sat down with Perry to learn all about her invention which has been called “the perfect care package for pregnant women.”

Tell us of your background and how you landed on the road to entrepreneurship?

Ericka Perry
Ericka Perry
Since I was a teen I’ve wanted to do my own thing– as in start, grow and run a business. I can recall going to the public library and researching how to start a business back when I was 16. Years later, I landed my first “real job” working at a clinic for women who battled with addictions. It was at that time that I discovered what my passion was, mothers, women and motherhood. I begin my research on starting a non-profit organization at that time and my journey into entrepreneurship never really rested from there. In 2013 I left my successful career in the nonprofit sector to dedicate all of my time to entrepreneurship.

What was the genesis of The Stork Bag?

In late September 2014 my friend was pregnant for the first time and really having a rough time with morning sickness. She called me and asked for some advice on what to do to relive her symptoms. I told her that I would find some products and send them to her since she lived hundreds of miles away. I remember creating a little care package for her and thinking, “I wish there was something on the market that I could just buy”. It was at that time that I began to do market research (i.e. Google search) and discovered that there was nothing like what I was looking for. Later that night I remember going to my husband and telling him that I wanted to create a product for women during pregnancy that would be a care package for each trimester. After brainstorming on names for the product I wanted something synonymous with pregnancy so Stork came to mind and I wanted something unique so instead of a box, I decided to create a bag that could be reused and even kept as a keepsake.


Name three things that set The Stork Bag apart from other subscription service for expectant moms?

  1. We’re the only reusable subscription bag.
  2. The only subscription with OBGYN approval
  3. Our bags contain 4 products exclusively for The Stork Bag that no other service has.

What’s the significance of being OBGYN-certified?

Being OBGYN approved gives our customers an added layer of confidence when shopping with us. They can rest assure that our product have been given the thumbs up by a physician care provider who specializes in pregnancy.

Thus far, what’s been one of the biggest challenges business-wise that you’ve had to overcome?

I think the unknowing of entrepreneurship is the biggest challenge. When it comes to launching new products, marketing and obtaining and retaining customers, as an entrepreneur who wears many hats, my biggest challenges have come from not knowing what to expect and getting totally different outcomes than what I expected. Sounds daunting but I guess it comes along with the territory, I’ve definitely learned to put my big girl pants on in this crazy world of business!

Tell us a bit about your other ventures?

I also have a budding maternity clothing line called MommyTummys Apparel and I sometimes peep my head in my husband’s office to help out with his company, YouAreCreators, Inc.

How do you effectively manage being a wife, mother, and businesswoman?

This is still a work in progress. I’m a crazy multi-tasker who thrives of list and schedules. Thankfully I also have a really supportive husband who helps me a lot.

What’s one business principle or ideology that you live by?

Know your audience/market. I mean really know them, what do they like, how do they talk, where do they shop…and why. As a businesswoman I’m constantly making sure that I move and grow with my market, paying attention to trends and needs along the way.

Best advice for budding entereprenuers?

Do like Nike and ‘Just Do It’! A great idea means nothing without execution.

Favorite quote or affirmation?

“Thoughts become things”

What’s next for Ericka N. Perry and The Stork Bag?

In the immediate future, our next big goal is to get The Stork Bag into physical stores, in addition to creating more products for women and all around continued growth of the brand.

For more information on Ericka and The Stork Bag, please visit thestorkbag.com

Kindness knows no shame. – Stevie Wonder


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