Interview with Monique Spence: Life Coach

After starting her professional career as music exec with Sony Music by the age of 20, Monique Spence used her love of small business to reinvent herself as an entrepreneur with multiple successful national brands including Brand You; a Marketing Company dedicated to building grass roots buzz, and Redefine The Tee; a line of tee shirts including the international success of the sequin glove Michael Jackson Tribute Tee. However, as much as she is known for her love of building business, Monique is equally as well known for her passion for talking. Thus, it was no surprise to her friends when time and her experience in the entertainment industry morphed her into a Media Personality.

Known to friends affectionately as “Sunshine”, Monique was able to combine her media voice and the message in her heart to take on the task of transforming herself into a sought after Life Coach. She now does one on one coaching sessions, conducts daily motivational calls, hosts empowering group events, and spreads her message in social media daily posts. Everybody wants to look good on the outside but Monique believes in de-cluttering your mind so you can create the results you want to see in every area in your life.

How did you discover your calling to become a life coach?

It actually found me. I’ve been an entrepreneur for 10 years and it took many reinventions of myself in order to stay relevant, successful and in business. I realized it was never easy to create the next opportunity when I was sad and pitiful and depressed because some part of my business didn’t work or a client cancelled. But when I felt good, I could attract new opportunities without any effort. I have learned how to use that skill on purpose to live a very happy life everyday and coaching started when I started to teach others how to live a happier quality of life!!

What if any misconceptions do think people have about what a life coach does?

The biggest misconception is that the results are immediate. You do instantly feel better when you start to release the burdens and doubt and fears you’ve held onto for so long, but real change requires that you work on it consistently over time.

What is your Coffee & Coaching event and how has the reception to it been thus far?

Coffee & Coaching Is an intimate live coaching event. By the end of the session, the groups create a community and receive support from each other in addition to the lessons learned from me. The January Installment was extremely well received and the word of mouth has traveled. I’ve been inundated with inquiries about the upcoming February 20th installment.

Please tell us about your daily Rise & Shine call?

I absolutely love mornings now and it’s all because of Rise & Shine! 5 months ago before I started this call I would sleep in until I was ready to wake up and I would swiftly tell you I wasn’t a morning person. But I am now! Every morning I do a Free Coaching Call to inspire new thoughts and motivate change in the lives of those ready to manifest greatness & be extremely happy! It’s only 15 minutes, and did I mention it’s free? Archived calls are available at

With all that you do, how do you effectively manage your time?

I create my own schedule and it helps me maintain a balanced life. I talk for a living so it can be easy to get lost in conversation. I have to remember I am working and limit my sessions to the allotted time. Outside of speaking engagements and coaching sessions, the rest of my time is my own so I live a lot of life and I love it!

Past or present, name one person you’d love to have a business dinner with?

If I could have a business dinner with anyone in the world it would be Mellody Hobson! She embodies everything I believe in from a business perspective and she’s been dynamic in this space internationally for many years. Her commitment to community and advancement of people in financial literacy is extremely admirable and I would love to soak some of that knowledge up first hand.

What’s your all-time favorite movie?

Harlem Nights is by far my favorite movie. “You gon’ shoot me in my pinky toe?!?” I know all the words and I’ll challenge anyone to a battle on it. I but watch it like its new every time.

Who makes your favorite drink in the city?

As a Margarita Connoisseur I have sampled the best of them across the entire city but my favorite is actually the Top Shelf Margarita at Miller’s Ale House in Lombard & North Riverside.

Monique Spence and Tyronne Stoudemire
Monique Spence and Tyronne Stoudemire

Where do you go to hear great live music?

I can always grab a great meal and catch different bands with quality singers at M Vie in the West Loop every Tuesday and Friday. Also, .A Touch of the Past in Bellwood on Sunday nights is everything! Midnight Sun is the best band in the city! You can also find a scaled down version of them at Gibson’s in Oak Brook on Thursday nights.

After a long day, what three things do you need to have at home to kick back and unwind?

Unwind? Now that’s tough because I am always on 100 it seems. But I would say when it’s time to bring it down I reach for my journal, a glass of wine or my own incredible Margarita and a hot bath! That will do the trick and even inspire me with more ideas!

Name something people to would be surprised to know about you?

I’m very handy and I have an elaborate tool kit. I love to paint and decorate and I learn new things easily. With a good set of instructions I can put together just about anything.

What’s on the horizon for Monique Spence?

My goal for 2016 is to connect to as many people in real life as possible. I love the internet and I love the connections I make with people all over the world. I want to make real life connections with all of those people. Manifest 2016 is my theme in life and business this year. Rise & Shine, Coffee & Coaching and my Manifest Retreats are some of the ways I am connecting those dots. The more live events I do, the more familiar people become with what Life Coaching actually is… And that’s my main goal, to expose people so they find their way to a Red Chair Session!!!

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